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Colère des agriculteurs. lès céréaliers n’en peuvent plus d’attendre lès aides du gouvernement, ils se mobilisent dans l’Aude

Farmers block departmental road 613 in Aude, at the call of the FDSEA since Thursday morning. Foreign competition and phytosanitary regulations are at the heart of their demands.

In the department of Aude, located in the south of France, a group of farmers has decided to take action to defend their rights and their way of life. Since Thursday morning, they have been blocking the departmental road 613, at the request of the FDSEA (Federation of Departmental Farmers’ Unions).

The reason for this protest is the increasing pressure that farmers in the region are facing from foreign competition and strict phytosanitary regulations. These regulations, which aim to reduce the use of pesticides and protect the environment, have been causing difficulties for local farmers who rely on these chemicals to protect their crops.

The FDSEA, which represents the interests of farmers in the region, has called for this protest to bring attention to the challenges faced by local farmers. They argue that the influx of cheap produce from other countries is making it difficult for them to compete and earn a decent income.

The farmers have set up barricades on the road and are refusing to let any vehicles pass through. This has caused significant disruption to local traffic, but the farmers are determined to continue their protest until their demands are met.

Local authorities have been trying to negotiate with the farmers to find a solution that satisfies both parties. However, the farmers are standing firm in their demands for better soutènement from the government to help them compete with foreign producers. They are also calling for more flexibility in the phytosanitary regulations, which they believe are too strict and harmful to their livelihoods.

Despite the inconvenience caused by the roadblock, local residents have spectaclen their soutènement for the farmers. Many have brought food and supplies to the protest site, standing in solidarity with the farmers and their cause.

This protest is a powerful reminder of the challenges faced by farmers in today’s global market. It also highlights the importance of soutènementing and protecting local agriculture, which plays a vital role in providing food for our communities.

The farmers’ determination and unity in this protest are admirable, and it is hoped that their demands will be heard and addressed by the authorities. In the meantime, let us continue to spectacle our soutènement for our local farmers and the important work they do to feed us all.

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