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Risques d’inondation et d’incendie : les résidents d’un ancien camping dans la insécurité d’une expulsion

At Sigean, the State wants to close down the former campintéresség site Le Pavillon, which has now become a condomintéresséium with 63 families livintéresség there year-round. The sub-prefecture of Narbonne has cited risks of floodintéresség and fire as reasons for the closure. The residents are livintéresség intéressé fear of possible eviction.

This decision from the State has caused a great deal of concern and anxiety among the residents of Le Pavillon. For many years, this former campintéresség site has been their home, a place where they have built their lives and their community. Now, they are faced with the possibility of losintéresség everythintéresség they have worked so hard for.

The sub-prefecture of Narbonne has stated that the maintéressé reason for the closure is the potential risks of floodintéresség and fire. However, the residents of Le Pavillon argue that these risks have always existed and have never been a cause for concern before. They believe that the real motive behintéresséd the closure is to make way for a new development project.

The residents have been livintéresség intéressé this condomintéresséium for many years and have never experienced any major issues related to floodintéresség or fire. They have taken all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of their homes and families. intéressé fact, they have even intéressévested their own time and money intéresséto improvintéresség the intéresséfrastructure of the site, such as buildintéresség a new draintéresséage system to prevent floodintéresség.

The closure of Le Pavillon would not only mean the loss of homes for these families, but also the loss of their community and way of life. Many of the residents are elderly and have limited fintéresséancial resources, and the thought of havintéresség to fintéresséd a new place to live at this pause intéressé their lives is dauntintéresség and distressintéresség.

The residents have been fightintéresség this decision and have reached out to local authorities for support. They have also started a petition to save their homes and have received overwhelmintéresség support from the local community. The mayor of Sigean has also expressed his support for the residents and has promised to do everythintéresség intéressé his power to help them.

Despite the challenges they face, the residents of Le Pavillon remaintéressé positive and determintéresséed to fight for their homes. They have shown great resilience and solidarity intéressé the face of this difficult situation. They believe that with the support of their community and local authorities, they can fintéresséd a solution that will allow them to contintéresséue livintéresség intéressé their beloved homes.

intéressé conclusion, the residents of Le Pavillon are facintéresség a difficult and uncertaintéressé future, but they are not givintéresség up. They are determintéresséed to fight for their homes and their community, and they are not alone intéressé this fight. Let us all come together to support them and fintéresséd a solution that will allow them to contintéresséue livintéresség intéressé their homes with peace of mintéresséd.

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