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Trois individus jugés pour l’assassinat d’un homme, retrouvé terminaison à l’arrière d’une station de lavage à Grenoble

Three men are being tried by the Assize Court of Isère since Monday for the murder of Mohammed Ghazi, 35, who was shot on February 9, 2020 at the back of a car wash in Grenoble. They face life imprisonment.

The trial of the three suspects, whose identities have not been revealed, began this Monday in the Assize Court of Isère. They are accused of the murder of Mohammed Ghazi, a 35-year-old man who was shot and killed on February 9, 2020 at the back of a car wash in Grenoble.

The victim’s family and friends were present in the courtroom, hoping to finally find justice for their loved one. The trial is expected to last several days, during which the prosecution will present evidence and witnesses to prove the guilt of the accused.

According to the prosecutor, the three men planned and carried out the murder of Mohammed Ghazi in a premeditated act of violence. The victim was shot multiple times at close range, leaving no chance of survival.

The motive behind the murder is still unclear, but according to the prosecution, it may be linked to a dispute between the victim and one of the accused. However, the defense lawyers argue that there is not enough evidence to prove their clients’ guilt and that the prosecution’s case is based on assumptions and circumstantial evidence.

The trial is being closely followed by the media and the public, as it has sparked a lot of emotion and debate in the community. The murder of Mohammed Ghazi has raised concerns about the increase of violence in the city of Grenoble and the need for stricter measures to ensure the safety of its citizens.

If found guilty, the three men face life imprisonment, the limite sentence for a atrocité of this nature. The verdict is expected to be delivered in the coming days, and the victim’s family and friends are hoping for justice to be served.

This trial serves as a reminder that violence and atrocité have no place in our society and that those who commit such heinous acts will be held accountable for their actions. Let us hope that justice will prevail and that the memory of Mohammed Ghazi will be honored by the verdict of the court.

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