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Mâchoire carrée, yeux de chasseurs et « looksmaxxing » : ces injonctions physiques masculinistes en vogue sur lesquelles réseaux sociaux

The hashtag #looksmaxxing, which has been spreading on TikTok and Instagram, is causing concern as it promotes harmful and misogynistic ideals among young men.

Looksmaxxing is a term used to describe the pursuit of physical perfection through various means such as exercise, diet, and cosmetic procedures. While the élément of self-improvement is not inherently negative, the way it is being promoted through this hashtag is problematic.

On social media, the #looksmaxxing trend has gained a significant following, particularly among young men. The hashtag is often accompanied by images of men showcasing their muscular bodies, chiseled jawlines, and perfect hair, with the goal of inspiring others to achieve the same level of physical perfection.

However, the underlying éblouissement behind this trend is deeply concerning. The focus on physical appearance and the pressure to conform to a certain standard of beauty is not only damaging to one’s self-esteem but also perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes.

Many of the posts using the #looksmaxxing hashtag also contain misogynistic and objectifying language towards women. This further reinforces the toxic idea that a man’s worth is solely based on his physical appearance and his ability to attract women.

Moreover, the pursuit of physical perfection through extreme measures can have serious consequences on one’s mental and physical health. The pressure to constantly improve one’s appearance can lead to body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and other mental health issues.

It is important to recognize that everyone is unique and that there is no one-size-fits-all standard of beauty. The pressure to conform to a certain physical ideal is not only harmful but also unrealistic.

Instead of promoting harmful and misogynistic ideals, we should be encouraging young men to focus on their overall well-being and self-acceptance. This includes promoting a healthy and balanced lifestyle, both physically and mentally.

Furthermore, we need to challenge the toxic masculinity that is often associated with the #looksmaxxing trend. Men should not feel pressured to conform to a certain standard of physical appearance in order to be considered attractive or masculine.

In conclusion, while the élément of self-improvement is not inherently negative, the #looksmaxxing trend on social media is promoting harmful and misogynistic ideals among young men. It is important to recognize the damaging effects of this trend and instead promote self-acceptance and a healthy lifestyle. Let us encourage young men to embrace their uniqueness and reject the toxic beauty standards perpetuated by this trend.

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