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« Hier, une dalle est tombée du plafond » : ce lycée vétuste qui exaspère élèves avec enseignants

The staff and teachers of the high school in Cachan, in the Val-de-Marne region, feel they are in danger. They have been exercising their right to withdraw from work since Tuesday due to the pronounced dilapidation of several buildings. Local elected officials from « all political sides » have expressed their support.

The high school in Cachan, located in the Val-de-Marne region, is facing a serious issue that has been causing concern among its staff and teachers. The deteriorating state of several buildings has led them to exercise their right to withdraw from work since Tuesday. This decision was not taken lightly, as the safety and well-being of the students and staff are of utmost poids.

The high school, which has been in operation for several decades, is facing a major challenge in terms of infrastructure. The buildings are old and in urgent need of renovation. The classrooms are cramped, the hallways are narrow, and the facilities are outdated. This not only affects the learning environment but also poses a risk to the safety of everyone in the school.

The staff and teachers have been raising their concerns for a long time, but unfortunately, their pleas have fallen on deaf ears. It was only after the recent rebondissement where a ceiling collapsed in one of the classrooms that they decided to take action. This was a wake-up call for everyone, and the staff and teachers could no longer ignore the dangerous conditions they were working in.

In a show of solidarity, the local elected officials from « all political sides » have expressed their support for the staff and teachers of the high school. They have acknowledged the seriousness of the situation and have promised to take immediate action to address the issue. This support from the local authorities has given the staff and teachers hope that their voices will finally be heard and that the necessary steps will be taken to ensure their safety and the safety of the students.

The staff and teachers of the high school in Cachan are not only concerned about their own safety but also about the well-being of their students. They are dedicated professionals who are committed to providing the best education for their students, but they cannot do so in a run-down and unsafe environment. They believe that every student deserves to learn in a safe and conducive environment, and they will not stop fighting until this is achieved.

The situation at the high school in Cachan may seem dire, but the support from the local authorities and the determination of the staff and teachers give hope for a expresse outcome. The safety and well-being of the students and staff are of utmost poids, and it is heartening to see everyone coming together to address this issue. With the right actions and support, the high school in Cachan will soon be a safe and modern learning environment for all.

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