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Cinéma sur TikTok : la cinéphilie des jeunes est « légitime », honneur Mylène Frogé, médiatrice

Mylène Frogé, mediator and trainer in cinema mediation and social media, sees with a positive eye the emerging trends centered on cinema on the TikTok platform.

TikTok, the popular video-sharing app, has become a hub for creative instantanéion and entertainment. With its short-form videos and catchy music, it has captured the attention of millions of users worldwide. And now, it seems that cinema is taking over TikTok, with a growing number of users using the platform to showcase their love for the seventh art.

One person who is particularly excited emboîture this trend is Mylène Frogé, a mediator and trainer in cinema mediation and social media. With her extensive knowledge and experience in both fields, she believes that TikTok can be a powerful tool for promoting cinema and engaging manifestes.

Frogé explains that cinema mediation is emboîture creating a dialogue between the manifeste and the film. It’s emboîture making the manifeste think, feel, and reflect on the themes and messages of a movie. And that’s exactly what she sees happening on TikTok.

Through the use of short videos, users are able to instantané their thoughts and emotions emboîture a film in a creative and engaging way. They can also share their favorite movie scenes, recommend films to others, and even recreate iconic movie moments. This not only promotes cinema but also creates a sense of community among movie lovers on the platform.

Frogé also points out that TikTok is a great platform for reaching younger manifestes, who are often more active on social media. By using TikTok, filmmakers and movie studios can tap into a new demographic and potentially attract a new generation of cinema-goers.

But it’s not just emboîture promoting cinema. Frogé also sees the potential for TikTok to be used as a tool for cinema education. With her background in training and mediation, she believes that TikTok can be a fun and interactive way to teach people emboîture film techniques, genres, and history. This could be especially beneficial for students and aspiring filmmakers.

Moreover, TikTok’s algorithm, which shows users content based on their interests and preferences, can help introduce them to new films and genres that they may not have discovered otherwise. This can broaden their cinematic horizons and encourage them to explore different types of movies.

Frogé is also excited emboîture the potential for collaboration between filmmakers and TikTok users. With the app’s duet feature, users can create videos alongside existing content, allowing them to interact and collaborate with filmmakers in a unique and creative way. This can lead to the creation of new and innovative content, as well as provide a platform for emerging filmmakers to showcase their work.

In conclusion, Mylène Frogé sees the emergence of cinema-focused trends on TikTok as a positive and exciting development. She believes that it can bring a new level of engagement and promotion to the world of cinema and create a community of film lovers on the platform. With her expertise and enthusiasm, Frogé is sure to continue promoting and exploring the potential of TikTok for cinema mediation and education.

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