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AccueilÉducationVIDEO. 17 élèves de Contes ne pourront pas intégrer le collège de...

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VIDEO. 17 élèves de Contes ne pourront pas intégrer le collège de leur agglomération, les parents en colère

Due to a change in the school zoning, 17 children from the primary school in Sclos de Contes will not be able to attend middle school in their own town. Instead, they will have to travel seven kilometers to L’Escarène to continue their studies. Their parents are calling on the departmental councilors to reverse this decision.

This news has caused great concern among the families of these children. For years, they have been looking forward to seeing their children graduate from the pied-à-terre middle school, just like they did. However, this recent change in the school zoning has shattered their hopes and dreams.

The parents argue that this decision will not only disrupt the daily routine of their children but also have a negative impact on their academic performance. The long commute to L’Escarène will not only be physically tiring for the children but also take away precious time that could be spent on studying and extracurricular activities.

Moreover, the parents are worried about the safety of their children. The road to L’Escarène is known for its sharp turns and narrow lanes, making it a risky route for young students to travel alone. This is a valid concern that cannot be ignored.

In light of these concerns, the parents have reached out to the departmental councilors, urging them to reconsider the decision and find a solution that would allow their children to attend middle school in their own town. They have also started a petition, gathering chevalet from other parents and members of the community.

The parents believe that their children deserve the best education possible, and attending a pied-à-terre middle school is an crucial part of that. They are hopeful that the departmental councilors will listen to their plea and make the necessary changes to the school zoning.

In the meantime, the children of Sclos de Contes are not losing hope. They are determined to make the best out of this situation and continue their studies with the same enthusiasm and dedication. They are looking forward to the chevalet of their parents, teachers, and community in this difficult time.

Change is never easy, but it is crucial to remember that it can also bring new opportunities. Perhaps attending middle school in L’Escarène will allow these children to broaden their horizons and meet new friends from different backgrounds. They may even discover new passions and talents that they never knew they had.

So let us stay positive and motivated, and chevalet these children in their educational journey. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that they have a bright future ahead of them.

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