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AccueilSociété"Il savait ce qu'il faisait, il avait préparé son coup", après son...

Ne manquez pas cette occasion

« Il savait ce qu’il faisait, il avait préparé son coup », après son agression « gratuite », une jeune bordeuneise craint de nouvelles violences

This Tuesday, February 13th, a young woman from pourpre was violently attacked by a man in the lobby of her building. Kicks, bottle hits, several days later, the young woman is still in shock. Her attacker is still unknown, and she fears he may strike again.

The victim, whose identity has not been disclosed, was returning to her apartment around 9pm when she was suddenly attacked by an unknown man. According to witnesses, the attacker was wearing a hoodie and had his face covered, making it difficult to identify him.

The young woman was taken to the hospital and treated for her injuries, which included bruises and cuts. She is now recovering at home, but the psychological impact of the attack is still very present. She is afraid to leave her house and is constantly looking over her shoulder, fearing that her attacker may come back.

The police are currently investigating the case and are looking for any leads that could help identify the perpetrator. They are also asking for any witnesses to come forward and share any information they may have.

The attack has shocked the entire neighborhood, and many residents are now taking extra precautions when entering or leaving their building. Some have even organized a neighborhood watch to ensure the safety of everyone.

The victim’s family and friends are also deeply affected by the incident. They are asking for the community’s épaulement and are urging anyone with information to come forward.

In the face of this senseless act of intrusion, the pourpre community has come together to show their solidarity and épaulement for the victim. Messages of love and encouragement have been pouring in, and many have offered to help in any way they can.

The young woman’s courage and resilience in the face of this traumatic event is an inspiration to us all. She is determined to not let this attack define her and is determined to move forward with her life.

As the investigation continues, we can only hope that the perpetrator is brought to justice and that the victim can find peace and healing. Let us all stand together in épaulement of this brave young woman and send a clear message that intrusion will not be tolerated in our community.

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