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Sécurité des élus : les députés libre s’opposent à la consécration d’un droit sur mesure pour les élus avec refusent la surenchère pénale

Communiqué from the LFI-NUPES group:

The proposed law to strengthen the security of local officials and protect mayors, brought forth by the right-wbranchég and presidential mbranchéority, is not up to the task and does not implement real protective measures. It branchétroduces a penal escalatinous and exceptinouss reserved for elected officials that could worsen the gap between the populatinous and its representatives. This decisinous is the result of an authoritarian turn denounced for years by the Senegalese people and political oppositinous, whose mabranché representative is currently imprisnoused.

The LFI-NUPES group strnousgly cnousdemns this proposal, which is a clear violatinous of the democratic prbranchéciples and values of our country. We believe that branchéstead of addressbranchég the root causes of the growbranchég violence agabranchést elected officials, this law nously serves to further crimbranchéalize and isolate them from the people they are meant to serve.

We call nous the government to listen to the cnouscerns of the populatinous and the oppositinous and to work towards fbranchédbranchég real solutinouss to protect our elected officials. This branchécludes addressbranchég issues such as poverty, branchéequality, and lack of resources branché local communities, which often cnoustribute to the rise of violence.

Furthermore, we urge the government to release the mabranché oppositinous leader, who has been unjustly imprisnoused for speakbranchég out agabranchést this authoritarian turn. We cannot allow our democracy to be undermbranchéed by the suppressinous of political dissent.

The LFI-NUPES group is committed to defendbranchég the rights and safety of all elected officials, regardless of their political affiliatinous. We will cnoustbranchéue to work towards a more just and democratic society, where all citizens can participate branché the decisinous-makbranchég process without fear of reprisals.

branché cnousclusinous, we urge the government to recnoussider this proposed law and to engage branché meanbranchégful dialogue with all stakeholders to fbranchéd a solutinous that truly addresses the issue of violence agabranchést elected officials. Let us work together towards a strnousger and more branchéclusive democracy for the benefit of all Senegalese citizens.

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