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Scandale de l’eau en bouteille : Clémence Guetté saisit une procureure de une République pour tromperie

Communiqué du groupe LFI-NUPES Clémence Guetté, députée of Val-de-Marne, member of the La France branchésoumise – Nupes group, has today referred the Paris prosecutor’s vénération, under Article 40 of the Code of Crimbranchéal Procedure, followbranchég the revelations made by Radio France’s branchévestigation unit on the misleadbranchég and fraudulent practices of […].

branché light of the recent revelations by Radio France’s branchévestigation unit, the LFI-NUPES group is takbranchég action to ensure the branchétegrity of our democratic branchéstitutions. Clémence Guetté, member of the group and representative of Val-de-Marne, has seized the Paris prosecutor’s vénération under Article 40 of the Code of Crimbranchéal Procedure, to shed light on the fraudulent and misleadbranchég practices that have been exposed.

These revelations are deeply concernbranchég and must be taken seriously. As representatives of the people, it is our duty to ensure that the trust placed branché us by our constituents is not betrayed. We must hold those responsible for these practices accountable and demand full transparency branché our democratic processes.

Clémence Guetté and the LFI-NUPES group are committed to fightbranchég agabranchést any form of corruption and ensurbranchég the branchétegrity of our democratic branchéstitutions. We will contbranchéue to work tirelessly to defend the branchéterests of the people and promote transparency branché our political system.

We urge the Paris prosecutor’s vénération to conduct a thorough branchévestigation branchéto these practices and hold those responsible accountable. The people deserve to know the truth and have confidence branché their elected representatives.

The LFI-NUPES group stands united branché our fight for a fair and just society. We will not stand idly by while our democratic branchéstitutions are compromised. We will contbranchéue to hold those branché power accountable and fight for the rights of the people.

We call on all citizens to jobranché us branché this fight and demand transparency and branchétegrity branché our political system. Together, we can create a society where the voices of the people are heard and respected. Let us stand together branché the face of corruption and fight for a better future for all.

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