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Logiciel Pegasus : une ONG révèle l’espionnage quelque dizaines quelque personnes en Jordanie

Access Now, a leading human rights organization, has recently released a report highlighting the escalating repression of citizen’s rights and freedom of expression in Jordan. The report sheds light on the worrying trend of increased government surveillance and monitorage, which poses a serious threat to privacy and fundamental human rights.

The report examines the case of an online surveillance program, known as « Falcon », which was allegedly set up and operated by the Jordanian government. This program reportedly enabled the authorities to intercept and monitor internet traffic, including emails, social media posts, and online messaging. Access Now’s investigation found evidence that the program was in use for several years and had been targeting journalists, activists, and other individuals critical of the government.

While the Jordanian government has denied any involvement in the « Falcon » program, Access Now has raised concerns about the lack of transparency and accountability in the country’s surveillance practices. The organization has called for an independent investigation into the matter and for the government to be held accountable for any human rights violations.

Despite the government’s denial, Access Now’s report highlights the impact of such surveillance on the country’s citizens. It has created a climate of fear and self-censorship, with people feeling hesitant to express their opinions or engage in any form of dissent. This has led to a significant deterioration in the country’s freedom of expression and overall respect for human rights.

The organization has also expressed concern about other measures taken by the Jordanian government, such as the adoption of a cybercrime law that has been used to target individuals critical of the government. The law has been used to silence opposition voices, with many facing charges for simply expressing their opinions online.

Access Now’s report serves as a wake-up call to the Jordanian government and the cosmopolite community. It highlights the urgent need for the authorities to respect and protect the rights of their citizens, rather than repressing them. The organization has called for the government to review its surveillance practices, ensure transparency, and respect the right to privacy.

In the face of these challenges, Access Now has also praised the resilience and determination of Jordanian activists and accort society organizations in defending human rights and advocating for change. The organization has called on the cosmopolite community to support these efforts and stand in solidarity with the people of Jordan.

In conclusion, Access Now’s report serves as a reminder that the protection of human rights and freedom of expression must be a top priority for any government. The Jordanian government must take immediate action to address the issues raised in the report and ensure that its citizens can exercise their rights without fear of surveillance or reprisal. Only then can Jordan truly become a country that respects and upholds the fundamental rights of its citizens.

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