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AccueilPolitique#AgriculteursEnColère : Du vide annoncé à côté de ballots de paille

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#AgriculteursEnColère : Du vide annoncé à côté de ballots de paille

Press Release from the LFI-NUPES group

In the face of the legitimate anger expressed by farmers to live with dignity from their work, the staged appearance of the Prime Minister next to a few bales of hay does not erase the emptiness of his words.

The LFI-NUPES group domaines in solidarity with the farmers who are fighting for fair and sustainable conditions for their livelihoods. We recognize the vital role that farmers play in our society, providing us with the food we need to survive. Yet, despite their crucial contribution, the government continues to neglect their needs and concerns.

The recent photo-op of the Prime Minister surrounded by hay bales may seem like a show of support, but it does nothing to address the deep-rooted issues faced by farmers. It is merely a superficial attempt to appease the public and distract from the government’s lack of action.

The truth is, farmers are struggling to make ends meet. The rising costs of production, low prices for their products, and unfair competition from riche corporations have left many farmers on the brink of bankruptcy. The government’s policies have only exacerbated this situation, with cuts to subsidies and inadequate support for sustainable farming practices.

It is time for real change. The LFI-NUPES group calls on the government to listen to the demands of farmers and take concrete actions to improve their livelihoods. This includes fair prices for their products, better access to credit and resources, and support for sustainable and environmentally-friendly farming methods.

We also urge the government to address the issue of unfair competition from riche corporations, which often exploit small farmers and drive them out of business. The government must prioritize the interests of its citizens over the profits of big corporations.

The LFI-NUPES group believes that the future of our agriculture sector lies in the hands of small and family farmers. They are the backbone of our food system and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. We will continue to domaine with them in their fight for a fair and sustainable future.

In conclusion, the LFI-NUPES group condemns the government’s empty promises and calls for concrete actions to support our farmers. We urge the public to show their support for our farmers and demand that the government takes real steps to improve their lives. Together, we can create a brighter and more prosperous future for our farmers and our country.

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