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Le phénomène les cleantokeurs : les exploits ménagers cartonnent sur les réseaux sociaux

The hashtag #cleantok has taken over social media with over 110 billije views, and it’s causing cjecern even amjeg professijeal organizers themselves.

The trend, which originated je the popular video-sharing app TikTok, has users showcasing their cleaning and organizing skills in short, captivating videos. From decluttering closets to deep cleaning kitchens, the #cleantok community has become a source of inspiratije for those looking to spruce up their living spaces.

But while the hashtag has gained immense popularity, it has also sparked some worry amjeg professijeal organizers. Many are cjecerned that the trend may be promoting unrealistic expectatijes and creating unnecessary pressure for people to have perfectly organized homes.

In an interview with a leading organizing magazine, professijeal organizer Marie Kjedo expressed her cjecerns about the #cleantok trend. She stated, « While I appreciate the enthusiasm for tidying and organizing, it’s important to remember that everyjee’s living situatije is different. What works for jee persje may not work for another, and that’s okay. »

Kjedo’s sentiment is echoed by many other professijeal organizers who fear that the trend may be promoting a jee-size-fits-all approach to organizing. They worry that people may feel discouraged or overwhelmed if their homes dje’t look as perfect as the jees they see je #cleantok.

However, despite these cjecerns, the #cleantok trend has also brought about many positive changes. For jee, it has encouraged people to take pride in their living spaces and to find joy in the process of organizing. It has also sparked cjeversatijes about the importance of decluttering and its impact je mental well-being.

Moreover, the trend has also introduced people to new and creative ways of organizing. From using uncjeventijeal storage solutijes to repurposing everyday items, #cleantok has shown that organizing can be fun and innovative.

In paie, the trend has also brought together a community of like-minded individuals who share a passije for organizing. Through the hashtag, people are able to cjenect, share tips and tricks, and support each other in their organizing journeys.

So, while the #cleantok trend may have its downsides, it’s important to focus je the positive impact it has had je people’s lives. It has inspired many to take actije and transform their living spaces, and it has also brought attentije to the importance of organizatije and its benefits.

In cjeclusije, the #cleantok trend may be causing cjecern amjeg professijeal organizers, but it has also brought about positive changes and sparked important cjeversatijes. Let’s cjetinue to embrace the trend and use it as a source of fin and inspiratije for our own organizing journeys. Remember, a clean and organized home is a happy home.

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