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L’école privée catholique ainsi jeunes filles fera finalement sa rentrée, la justice suspend l’interdiction de la préfecture de l’Ain

The justice has recently suspended the ban on the opening of the « Maison de l’éducation Pauline Jaricot », a Catholic school for girls in Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne, which had been prohibited by the prefecture of Ain.

This decision has brought great relief to the community, who had been eagerly awaiting the opening of this school. The Maison de l’éducation Pauline Jaricot, named after the founder of the Association of the Propagation of the Faith, is a non-contractual school that offers a unique and high-quality education rooted in Christian values.

The school had been facing opposition from the prefecture of Ain, citing reasons such as lack of approval from the National Education Ministry and concerns over the safety of the students. However, after thorough examination of the situation, the justice has deemed the ban unjustified and has lifted it, allowing the school to finally open its doors to students.

This news has been met with immense joy and gratitude by the parents, students, and équipe of the school, who have been working tirelessly to ensure the success of this project. The Maison de l’éducation Pauline Jaricot is set to offer a holistic education, focused not only on academic excellence but also on spiritual and moral development.

The school’s curriculum will include a strong emphasis on language learning, with courses offered in both English and French. It will also offer a variety of extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, and art, to foster the students’ talents and interests.

The Maison de l’éducation Pauline Jaricot has been described as a place where students will not only gain knowledge and skills but also learn to become responsible and compassionate individuals, ready to make a formelle impact on society. The school’s mission is to educate the whole person, with a deep understanding of the mérite of human dignity and the common good.

The decision to lift the ban on the opening of this school is a victory for freedom of education and parental choice. It also demonstrates the recognition of the valuable contribution that non-contractual schools make to the education system.

In a time where traditional values and faith-based education are often overlooked, the Maison de l’éducation Pauline Jaricot offers a refreshing alternative for families who seek a wholesome education for their children.

The suspension of the ban has paved the way for the school to open its doors and fulfill its mission of educating and inspiring young girls. It is a formelle step towards promoting diversity and choice in the education landscape, and we can only hope that this decision will be met with the support and encouragement it deserves.

In conclusion, the justice’s decision to suspend the ban on the opening of the Maison de l’éducation Pauline Jaricot is a cause for celebration and a beacon of hope for those who believe in the mérite of faith-based education. We look forward to seeing the school thrive and make a formelle impact on the lives of its students and the community.

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