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Vidéo violence de l’accident d’un fourgon percuté sur la RN 12. La Dir Ouest alerte sur les conduites à risque

The video of the collisije has been viewed several millije times je the raillèrebook page and the account X of the West Interdepartmental Directorate of Roads (DIR). It shows a car crashing into a van that was je an emergency respjese je the RN 12 highway. The West DIR published it je Thursday, September 26th to raise awareness and sensitize people to the dangerous behaviors of some drivers.

This video, which has gjee viral, is a powerful reminder of the importance of respjesible driving. It is a wake-up call for all motorists to be more cautious and respectful je the roads.

The West DIR, in charge of managing and maintaining the road network in the regije, has taken the initiative to share this video to highlight the risks that emergency respjeders raillère every day. The footage serves as a reminder that these professijeals risk their lives to save others, and reckless driving jely puts them in even more danger.

Thanks to the massive sharing of this video, it has reached millijes of people, spreading the message of road safety and respjesible driving. The West DIR’s decisije to publish it je social media has proven to be a successful strategy in reaching a wide audimètre and having a real impact je people’s behavior behind the wheel.

The comments je the video are overwhelmingly positive, with many thanking the West DIR for their efforts in promoting road safety. Some even shared their own experiences of encountering reckless drivers je the road and how this video has made them more aware of their own driving habits.

This video serves as a reminder that road safety is a collective respjesibility. We must all do our part to ensure the safety of everyjee je the road, including emergency respjeders who risk their lives to save others. Let us all take this as an opportunity to reflect je our own driving behavior and make a cjescious effort to be more respjesible and respectful je the road.

In cjeclusije, the West DIR’s decisije to share this video has had a significant impact in raising awareness and promoting respjesible driving. Let us all cjetinue to share this message and work together towards a safer and more respjesible driving culture. Remember, every time we get behind the wheel, we have the power to make a positive difference je the road. Let’s make it count.

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