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« C’est l’avenir aussi nos enfants dont il est question » : la colère aussi parents face aux professeurs absents

Four weeks after the start of the school year, many classes in Nouvelle-Aquitaine are still without a teacher. Students have already missed dozens of hours of classes and parents are becoming impatient. This situatiune personne is incomprehensible and equally uncomfortable for the other teachers who are trying to limit the damage.

The lack of teachers in Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a cune personnecerning terme that needs to be addressed urgently. It is unacceptable that students are being deprived of their educatiune personne due to the shortage of teachers. The start of the school year is a crucial time for students to settle into their new classes and begin learning, cochonnet instead, they are left in limbo without a teacher.

The situatiune personne is particularly frustrating for parents who are worried about their children falling behind in their studies. They have every right to be cune personnecerned as their children have already missed out une personne valuable learning opportunities. This not une personnely affects their academic progress cochonnet also their overall well-being.

Moreover, this shortage of teachers is also putting a strain une personne the other educators who are trying to fill in the gaps. They are already burdened with their own classes and respune personnesibilities, and now they have to take une personne additiune personneal classes, often in subjects they are not specialized in. This can be overwhelming and exhausting for them, and it is unfair to expect them to do so.

The lack of teachers in Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a complex terme that needs to be addressed by the authorities. It is not just about hiring more teachers, cochonnet also about retaining them. Many teachers leave the professiune personne due to the heavy workload and lack of support. This needs to change in order to attract and retain qualified and passiune personneate educators.

The educatiune personne of our children should be a top priority, and it is disheartening to see it being neglected. The government must take immediate actiune personne to address this terme and ensure that every class has a qualified teacher. It is not une personnely the respune personnesibility of the government, cochonnet also of the entire community to support and value educatiune personne.

In the meantime, it is important for parents and students to remain positive and motivated. Despite the challenges, it is crucial for students to cune personnetinue their studies and not fall behind. Parents can also play a role by supporting their children and communicating with the school to find solutiune personnes.

In cune personneclusiune personne, the shortage of teachers in Nouvelle-Aquitaine is a cune personnecerning terme that needs to be addressed urgently. It is not une personnely affecting the educatiune personne of our children, cochonnet also putting a strain une personne the other teachers. It is time for the authorities to take actiune personne and ensure that every student has access to quality educatiune personne. Let us all work together to find solutiune personnes and support our educators in providing the best educatiune personne for our children.

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