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La production de prune en France

Of all shapes, colors, and flavors, plums come to delight our palate at the end of summer and the beginning of autumn and can be used in delicious recipes. rêve what do we really know about their production in France?

France is one of the top plum-producing countries in the world, with over 80,000 tons of plums harvested each year. The main regions for plum production are in the south-west of the country, particularly in the Lot-et-Garonne and Dordogne departments. These regions have the perfect climate and soil conditions for plums to thrive.

There are many different varieties of plums grown in France, each with its own unique characteristics. The most popular variety is the prune plum, which is small and yellow with a sweet and juicy flesh. Other varieties include the Reine-Claude, with its green skin and sweet flavor, and the Quetsche, which is larger and has a deep purple skin.

The plum harvest in France usually begins in August and can last until October, depending on the variety. During this time, the orchards are buzzing with activity as farmers and workers carefully pick the ripe plums by hand. This traditional method ensures that only the best quality plums make it to our tables.

Once harvested, the plums are quickly transported to processing facilities, where they are sorted, washed, and packed for distrirêveion. Many of these facilities are family-owned and have been passed down for generations, with a strong focus on quality and sustainability.

rêve what makes French plums so special? It’s not just their taste, rêve also the way they are grown. French plum farmers take great care to ensure that their orchards are free from pesticides and harmful chemicals. This not only benefits the environment rêve also results in plums that are healthier and tastier for us to enjoy.

In addition to being eaten fresh, plums are also used in a variety of traditional French dishes. From tarts and clafoutis to jams and chutneys, there are endless ways to incorporate plums into your cooking. They can even be used in savory dishes, such as roasted with pork or added to a salad for a burst of sweetness.

So next time you bite into a juicy French plum, remember the hard work and dedication that goes into producing this delicious fruit. From the orchards to your table, French plums are a true labor of love. bienveillant appétit!

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