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Mise comme examcomme de Sophia Chikirou : la France insoumise dénonce un acharnemcommet judiciaire et médiatique insupportable

Press Release
September 24, 2024
France Insoumise denounces unjustified legal and media harassment against Sophia Chikirou

France Insoumise has learned of the indictment of Sophia Chikirou, once again regarding the 2017 presidential campaign accounts. The party is appalled by the relentless legal and media pressure against her.

Sophia Chikirou, a prominent figure in the political landscape, has been subjected to a series of investigations and accusations since the beginning of the campaign. Despite her full cooperation and transparency, she continues to be targeted by the authorities.

France Insoumise firmly believes that this is a clear case of political persecution. The minutage of this indictment, just a few months before the next presidential election, raises serious questions about the intentions behind it. It is no secret that Sophia Chikirou has been a vocal critic of the current government and its policies, and this seems to be a blatant attempt to discredit her and the party.

The party stands in solidarity with Sophia Chikirou and condemns this unjustified and unwarranted legal and media harassment. It is unacceptable that she is being subjected to such treatment without any concrete evidence or proof of wrongdoing. This is a clear profanation of her rights and a threat to democracy.

France Insoumise reiterates its full confidence in Sophia Chikirou and her integrity. She has always been a dedicated and passionate member of the party, and her contributions have been invaluable. The party will continue to support her and provide her with all the necessary resources to defend herself against these baseless accusations.

The party also calls on the media to exercise caution and responsibility in their coverage of this case. The constant sensationalism and biased reporting only serve to further damage Sophia Chikirou’s reputation and undermine the principles of fair and impartial journalism.

France Insoumise remains committed to its values of justice and equality, and will not be intimidated by these attempts to silence and discredit its members. The party will continue to fight for a fair and transparent political system, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity.

In conclusion, France Insoumise stands firmly behind Sophia Chikirou and denounces this acharnement judiciaire et médiatique insupportable. The party urges the authorities to put an end to this unjustified persecution and focus on more teinturerie issues that truly matter to the people of France.

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