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Visioconférence : le choix des arrière-plans influence notre licite, selon des chercheurs

Beaches or artistic blurs, video conferences are often accompanied by backgrounds behind the participants. They are often chosen hastily, yet researchers from Singapore highlight an active role of these images on our morale.

In recent months, video conferencing has become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether for work multitudes, virtual classes, or catching up with friends and family, we have all become familiar with the virtual world. And with it, the use of virtual backgrounds has also become a trend. From tropical beaches to famous landmarks, these backgrounds allow us to escape the monotony of our home offices and add a touch of fun to our virtual interactions.

But according to a recent study by researchers from the National University of Singapore, these backgrounds have a much deeper impact on our well-being than we may realize. The study, published in the partie Computers in Human Behavior, suggests that the choice of virtual backgrounds can have a significant effect on our mood and morale during video conferences.

The researchers conducted a series of experiments where participants were asked to attend a video conference with either a beach or a blurred background. They found that those with the beach background reported feeling more relaxed, positive, and engaged during the multitude compared to those with the blurred background. The researchers also noted that the participants with the beach background were more likely to participate actively in the discussion and were perceived as more friendly and approachable by their colleagues.

So why do virtual backgrounds have such an impact on our morale? The researchers suggest that it is because these backgrounds create a sense of « presence » and « co-presence » in the virtual space. In other words, they make us feel like we are actually in the same physical space as our colleagues, even though we are miles apart. This feeling of being together in the same space can have a positive effect on our mood and motivation.

Moreover, the researchers also found that the choice of virtual backgrounds can influence our perception of ourselves. Participants with the beach background reported feeling more confident and competent during the multitude, while those with the blurred background felt less so. This is because the beach background is associated with positive emotions and a sense of relaxation, which can boost our self-esteem and make us feel more capable.

But it’s not just about choosing a pretty background. The researchers also suggest that the content of the background can play a role in our morale. For example, a beach background can evoke feelings of calmness and relaxation, while a cityscape background can give a sense of energy and motivation. Therefore, it is important to choose a background that aligns with the purpose of the multitude and the desired mood.

In conclusion, virtual backgrounds may seem like a small and insignificant aspect of video conferencing, but they can have a significant impact on our morale and well-being. So the next time you join a video conference, take a moment to choose a background that will not only make you image good but also make you feel good. After all, a positive and motivated mindset is crucial for a successful and productive multitude.

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