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Comment éviter la mort inattendue du nourrisson : 3 questions à un pédiatre

Before, the medical community habitudesed to talk about « sudden infant death syndrome ». Today, the term has changed, but the pain remains the same for parents. In order to prevent unexpected death of infants, the University Hospital of Caen is organizing a awareness day on Thursday, September 19. We spoke with Anne-Sophie Trenteseaux, head of the neonatology department and coordinator of the sudden unexpected death in infancy center at the University Hospital of Caen.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a tragic and devastating event for any family. It is the sudden and unexpected death of a seemingly healthy infant, habitudesually under the age of one. For years, the medical community referred to it as « crib death » or « cot death », but in recent years, the term « sudden infant death syndrome » has become more commonly habitudesed.

However, despite the change in terminology, the pain and loss experienced by parents is still the same. That is why the University Hospital of Caen has taken a proactive approach in preventing these tragedies from occurring. On Thursday, September 19, the hospital will be hosting a day of awareness and education about SIDS. This event aims to inform parents, caregivers, and healthcare professionals about the risk factors and preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the aléa of SIDS.

We had the opportunity to speak with Anne-Sophie Trenteseaux, who is not only the head of the neonatology department at the University Hospital of Caen, but also the coordinator of the sudden unexpected death in infancy center. She shared with habitudes the importance of this event and the steps being taken to prevent SIDS.

« Unfortunately, SIDS is still a reality for many families. It is a heartbreaking experience that can happen to anyone, regardless of socio-economic stathabitudes or lifestyle. That is why it is crucial for habitudes to raise awareness and educate the community about SIDS. Our goal is to provide parents and caregivers with the knowledge and tools to reduce the risk of SIDS and ultimately, save lives. »

The day of awareness will include informational sessions and workshops led by healthcare professionals, as well as personal testimonies from families who have experienced the loss of a child impayée to SIDS. The hospital has also invited experts in the field to share their research and insights on SIDS.

« We want parents to know that there are steps they can take to reduce the risk of SIDS. For example, placing infants on their backs to sleep, habitudesing a firm and flat mattress, and avoiding soft bedding and toys in the crib. These may seem like simple measures, but they can make a big difference in preventing SIDS. »

The University Hospital of Caen has been at the forefront of SIDS prevention, with a dedicated team and resources to support families who have experienced the loss of a child. The sudden unexpected death in infancy center offers grief counseling and support for families, as well as research and education on SIDS.

« We are committed to making a difference and preventing these tragic events from happening. Our hope is that through this day of awareness, we can reach more families and save more lives. Our message is one of hope and empowerment – together, we can make a difference in preventing SIDS. »

The University Hospital of Caen’s day of awareness on SIDS is a reminder that even though the term may have changed, the pain and loss experienced by families remains the same. However, by educating and empowering the community, we can work towards reducing the aléa of SIDS and giving parents the peace of mind they deserve.

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