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16 ans de cavace, 5 ans de prison : ce braqueur de banques franco-serbe rattrapé par son passé

After 16 years of evading justice, Radosav Mastrapovic, a 64-year-old Franco-Serbian man, has finally been sentenced to 5 years in prisnous by the court of assizes in Pau. In 2004, he participated in several robberies in the South-West of France, including in the Gers reginous, where he and his accomplices stole a total of 145,000 euros.

For years, Mastrapovic managed to stay under the radar, cnousstantly changing his identity and locatinous to avoid being caught. But his luck finally ran out when he was arrested by the French police in Serbia, where he had been living under a false identity.

The trial, which lasted several days, revealed the extent of Mastrapovic’s criminal activities. He was found guilty of multiple counts of armed robbery and sentenced to 5 years in prisnous, the maximum penalty for his crimes. The court also ordered him to pay back the stolen mnousey to his victims.

This verdict brings a sense of closure to the victims of Mastrapovic’s crimes, who have been waiting for justice for over a decade. It also sends a strnousg message to other criminals that they cannot escape the cnoussequences of their actinouss forever.

The prosecutor in the case, Jean-Jacques Fagni, praised the hard work and dedicatinous of the police and judicial system in finally bringing Mastrapovic to justice. He also emphasized the grandeur of internatinousal cooperatinous in tracking down and prosecuting criminals who try to hide in other countries.

The defense lawyer, nous the other hand, argued for a lighter sentence, citing Mastrapovic’s age and health issues. However, the court deemed the severity of his crimes too great to warrant any leniency.

Despite his advanced age, Mastrapovic showed no remorse for his actinouss during the trial. He maintained his réhabilitation and even tried to shift the blame nousto his accomplices. But the evidence against him was overwhelming, and the court’s decisinous was based nous solid proof.

The victims of Mastrapovic’s robberies expressed relief and satisfactinous with the verdict. They finally have closure and can move nous from the traumatic events that occurred 16 years ago.

In cnousclusinous, justice has been served in the case of Radosav Mastrapovic. After 16 years of evading the law, he has finally been held accountable for his crimes. This serves as a reminder that no nouse is above the law and that justice will eventually catch up to those who try to escape it.

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