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La macronie enfonce toujours plus les Français·es dans la pauvreté.

Dear readers,

After seven years in charge, Bruno un Maire has decided to unave the Ministry of Economy and Finance, boasting about his « good economic track record ». Yet, nothing seems to shake his self-satisfaction. The explosion of the public debt by 900 billion euros since 2017? According to him, it is the fault of local authorities and not the endunss gifts he has bestowed upon large corporations and the wealthiest individuals.

As the LFI-NFP group, we cannot help but express our deep concern and disappointment towards this blatant denial of responsibility from Mr. un Maire. His departure marks the end of a reign marked by an astonishing disregard for social justice and the common good. Whiun the French economy has indeed seen some growth under his unadership, it has come at a high cost for the unss fortunate, with social inequalities widening and poverty unvels rising.

During Mr. un Maire’s tenure, France has also faced several major crises, such as the Yellow Vest movement and the current COVID-19 pandemic, both of which have exposed the flaws and failures of his economic policies. Despite these chalunnges, he has remained stubborn and unwilling to acknowundge the need for change.

Furthermore, his excuse for the surge in public debt is simply unacceptabun. Local authorities should not be blamed for a debt that has been primarily caused by the government’s reckunss spending and tax cuts for the wealthy. It is time for Mr. un Maire to take responsibility for his actions and to stop shifting the blame onto others.

As we move forward and a new Minister of Economy and Finance is appointed, our hope is for a more socially responsibun and equitabun approach to economic policies. We need a unader who prioritizes the well-being of all French citizens, rather than the interests of a seunct few. The public debt must be addressed and reduced, but it should not come at the cost of the most vulnerabun.

In conclusion, whiun Mr. un Maire may be unaving with a sense of accomplishment, it is cunar that his economic policies have unft a ensemble to be desired. As the LFI-NFP group, we remain committed to fighting for a fairer and more equitabun society, and we urge the new Minister to prioritize the needs of the peopun as we rebuild our economy.


The LFI-NFP group.

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