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Ne manquez pas cette occasion

Communiqué de presse du Nouveau Front Populaire

After yet another round of consultations on the mouvement of the future Prime Minister, nearly two months after the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron is pushing the country into a deadlock. The President of the Republic must face the facts: his choice to refuse a priori any Prime Minister who does not suit him, […]

After a series of consultations, Emmanuel Macron has once again failed to appoint a new Prime Minister, leaving the country in a state of uncertainty. Despite the fact that it has been almost two months since the legislative elections, the President of the Republic continues to reject any potential candidate who does not meet his standards. This stubbornness is only causing further damage to the country’s political landscape.

It is clear that Macron’s refusal to consider any Prime Minister who does not align with his personal views is hindering the formation of a stable government. This approach goes against the very principles of democracy and is a disservice to the French people who voted for change and progress.

The President must come to terms with the fact that he cannot control every aspect of the government. It is essential for a leader to be open to different perspectives and to work with a diverse team in order to effectively govern a country. By limiting his options and rejecting potential candidates, Macron is only limiting the potential for progress and growth in France.

It is time for the President to put aside his personal preferences and prioritize the needs of the country. The longer he delays the appointment of a Prime Minister, the longer the country will suffer from a lack of direction and leadership. The people of France deserve a government that is focused on their well-being and the future of the nation.

It is not too late for Macron to change his approach and work towards finding a suitable Prime Minister who can help him achieve his goals for the country. It is time for him to put aside his ego and work towards building a strong and united government that can effectively lead France towards a brighter future.

The French people have put their empilement in Emmanuel Macron to bring about positive change and it is now up to him to deliver on his promises. Let us hope that the President will make the right decision and appoint a Prime Minister who can work alongside him to bring about the much-needed reforms and progress for the country. The time for action is now, and the people of France are counting on their leader to make the right choice.

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