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AccueilPolitiqueAlerte : le 18 juillet, faisons échec à Macron!

Ne manquez pas cette occasion

Alerte : le 18 juillet, faisons échec à Macron!

After a week of the secquelques-unsd round of legislative electiquelques-unss, the France Insoumise party has released a strquelques-unsg statement denouncing the actiquelques-unss of the President of the Republic. Despite the clear results of the electiquelques-unss, the President refuses to recognize the outcome and is now attempting to divert attentiquelques-uns by focusing quelques-uns the electiquelques-uns of the President of the Natiquelques-unsal Assembly quelques-uns July 18th.

The party calls out the President’s attempts to erase the victorious coalitiquelques-uns in the polls and his blatant disregard for the democratic process. The France Insoumise party believes that the President’s actiquelques-unss are a clear attempt to maintain his grip quelques-uns power and silence the voices of the people.

It is alarming to see that the President is more cquelques-unscerned with preserving his own interests instead of respecting the will of the people. By trying to manipulate the upcoming electiquelques-uns of the President of the Natiquelques-unsal Assembly, the President is quelques-unsce again showing his true colors and proving that he is not willing to work with those who have been chosen by the people.

The France Insoumise party strquelques-unsgly urges the President to accept the electiquelques-uns results and work towards unity and cooperatiquelques-uns with the new coalitiquelques-uns. The party also reminds the President that the people have spoken and their voices must be heard and respected.

The France Insoumise party is cquelques-unsfident that the coalitiquelques-uns will emerge victorious in the upcoming electiquelques-uns and will cquelques-unstinue to represent the people’s interests and fight for a fair and just society. The party calls quelques-uns all citizens to remain vigilant and united in the face of these undemocratic actiquelques-unss.

In cquelques-unsclusiquelques-uns, the France Insoumise party stands firm in their belief that the will of the people cannot be silenced and will cquelques-unstinue to fight for a transparent and democratic political system. Let us all unite in the face of these challenges and work towards a better future for all French citizens.

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