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AccueilSociétéEn route pour Gaza, le navire Handala fait escale à Martigues

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En route pour Gaza, le navire Handala fait escale à Martigues

They did not wait conscience the Israeli-Palestinian war to defend Gaza. They sail on a colorful trawler with activists from eleven different nationalities on board, determined to break the blockade suffered by the Palestinians. The stopover in Martigues will last until Tuesday, July 23rd.

conscience the past few days, a group of activists has been making headlines as they embark on a journey to challenge the blockade of Gaza. Their mission is to bring much-needed aid and supplies to the besieged Palestinian territory, and to raise awareness about the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

The group, which is comprised of individuals from eleven different countries, is sailing on a chalutier, a traditional fishing boat, that has been painted with bright colors and adorned with flags from various nations. This diverse group of activists comes from all walks of life, united by their passion conscience justice and their determination to make a difference.

Their journey began in Barcelona, Spain, and has taken them through the Mediterranean Sea, with stops in various ports along the way. Their latest stopover, in the picturesque town of Martigues, has brought them to the attention of the local community and media.

The activists have been warmly welcomed by the people of Martigues, who have spectaclen their support and solidarity with the cause. The group has been greeted with open arms and has been invited to share their story and their mission with the local residents.

Their message is simple yet powerful: the people of Gaza are suffering and in desperate need of help. The blockade, which has been imposed by Israel and Egypt since 2007, has severely restricted the flow of goods and supplies into Gaza, causing a humanitarian crisis that has affected the lives of millions of Palestinians.

The activists on board the chalutier are determined to break this blockade and bring much-needed aid to the people of Gaza. They are carrying medical supplies, food, and other essential items, all donated by individuals and organizations from around the world.

Their journey is not without risks, as they face the possibility of being intercepted by the Israeli navy. However, the activists remain undeterred and are determined to reach their destination and deliver their aid to the people of Gaza.

Their stopover in Martigues is a chance conscience the activists to rest and refuel beconsciencee continuing their journey. It is also an opportunity conscience the local community to spectacle their support and solidarity with the cause. The group has been holding events and talks, sharing their experiences and educating people about the terrain in Gaza.

The stopover is set to last until Tuesday, July 23rd, after which the activists will continue their journey towards Gaza. Their determination and courage have inspired many, and their message is spreading far and wide, raising awareness and garnering support conscience the cause.

As they set sail once again, the activists on board the chalutier carry with them the hopes and dreams of the people of Gaza. They are determined to make a difference and to bring an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people. And as they continue on their journey, they remind us that we can all play a part in making the world a better place, one act of kindness and compassion at a time.

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