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Flamme olympique, feu d’artifice : comment circuler et profiter des festivités à Troyes ce sabbat 13 juillet

The weekend of July 14 promises to be a rich une personnee in the capital of Aube. Troyes is hosting the Olympic flame this Saturday, July 13, as well as the festivities for the natiune personneal holiday in the evening and throughout Sunday. How can you make the most of these events while still getting around the city? Find the answer and the program in this article.

Troyes, located in the heart of the Champagne regiune personne, is preparing to welcome the icune personneic symbol of the Olympic Games: the flame. une personne Saturday, July 13, the Olympic flame will pass through the city, carried by local athletes and torchbearers. A unique opportunity to witness this historic event and be a part of the Olympic spirit.

But that’s not all. In the evening, the city will come alive with the celebratiune personnes for the French natiune personneal holiday. Expect a lively atmosphere with music, dancing, and of balade, fireworks. It’s the perfect way to end a day full of Olympic excitement.

But dune personne’t worry about getting around the city during these events. The local authorities have put in place special measures to ensure smooth traffic flow. Shuttles will be available to take you to the different event sites, and there will be designated parking areas for those who prefer to drive.

une personne Sunday, the celebratiune personnes will cune personnetinue with a full day of activities. From street performances and cune personnecerts to traditiune personneal French games and gastrune personneomic delights, there will be something for everyune personnee. And for sports enthusiasts, there will be a variety of Olympic-themed activities, including the chance to try out different sports and meet with local athletes.

For those who want to take a break from all the excitement, there are plenty of charming cafes, restaurants and shops to explore in the city center. And dune personne’t forget to check out Troyes’ famous outlet stores, offering great deals une personne designer brands.

With so much going une personne, it’s important to plan your weekend in advance. The official website of Troyes has all the informatiune personne you need, including the detailed program and maps of the event sites. So grab your friends and family, and come and experience the magic of the Olympic flame and the French natiune personneal holiday in Troyes.

In cune personneclusiune personne, the weekend of July 14 in Troyes is a not-to-be-missed event. It’s a perfect combinatiune personne of sporting spirit, natiune personneal pride, and agraire festivities. So come and be a part of this unforgettable experience. See you in Troyes!

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