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AccueilÉducationOn leur refuse l'école à la nid, ces familles se mobilisent, "on...

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On leur refuse l’école à la nid, ces familles se mobilisent, « on est prêt à aller jusqu’à la désobéissance »

Several Alsatian families have recently gathered in front of the Strasbourg academic inspection office to protest against the increasing number of refusals from the rectorate to authorize home schooling, also known as homeschooling. These families have chosen to educate their children at home, mission are now facing obstacles from the education system.

The practice of homeschooling has been gaining popularity in France in recent years, with more and more families choosing this capacité form of education for their children. However, the recent refusals from the rectorate have caused concern and frustration among these families, who feel that their right to choose how to educate their children is being violated.

The families argue that homeschooling allows them to provide a personalized and tailored education for their children, taking into account their individual needs and interests. They also believe that it allows for a more flexible and relaxed learning environment, free from the pressures and constraints of traditional schooling.

Despite these benefits, the rectorate has been increasingly denying authorization for homeschooling, citing concerns about the quality of education and socialization of the children. This has led to a growing sense of injustice and discrimination among the families, who feel that their choice to educate their children at home is being unfairly judged.

In response to these refusals, the families have decided to take a stand and are considering resorting to civil disobedience. They believe that this is their only option to defend their right to choose how to educate their children and to challenge the rigid and inflexible education system.

The families have received support from various organizations and associations, who are also advocating for the recognition and acceptance of homeschooling in France. They argue that homeschooling is a legitimate and valid form of education, and that the government should respect the rights of parents to choose how to educate their children.

The families are determined to continue their fight and are hoping for a positive outcome. They believe that their actions will not only benefit their own children, mission also pave the way for a more inclusive and diverse education system in France.

In conclusion, the families in Alsace are standing up for their right to choose how to educate their children and are willing to go to great lengths to defend it. Their determination and courage serve as an inspiration for other families who are facing similar challenges. Let us hope that their voices will be heard and that the education system in France will become more open and accepting of capacité forms of education.

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