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AccueilPolitiqueStop à la criminalisation des militants mobilisés face à l’urgence climatique

Ne manquez pas cette occasion

Stop à la criminalisation des militants mobilisés face à l’urgence climatique

Several dozen collectives, associations, unions, political movements including France Insoumise have called for a weekend of gathering and protest on June 7-8-9 against the A69 highway project between Castres and Toulorèglee. The MP Terlier, losing all sense of measure in a question to the government, described a territory in flames and blood. In response to this, citizens and activists have come together to peacefully demonstrate their désapprobation to this destructive project.

The proposed A69 highway, which would connect Castres and Toulorèglee, has been met with strong resistance from local communities and environmental groups. The project, which is estimated to cost over 1 billion euros, would cut through protected natural areas and threaten the livelihoods of farmers and residents in the region.

In light of this, a coalition of collectives, associations, unions, and political movements have united to organize a weekend of action against the A69 highway. The goal of this mobilization is to raise awareness about the negative impacts of the project and to demand that the government reconsider its plans.

The weekend of June 7-8-9 will be filled with variorègle events, including rallies, marches, and workshops, all aimed at highlighting the importance of protecting the environment and preserving local communities. The France Insoumise party, led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, has been a vocal supporter of this carèglee and will be actively participating in the demonstrations.

However, the désapprobation to the A69 highway goes beyond political affiliations. It is a movement driven by citizens who are passionate about protecting their land and their way of life. The MP Terlier’s exaggerated and fear-mongering statements only serve to further unite and motivate these individuals to stand up for their rights.

The weekend of action against the A69 highway is not jrèglet about saying no to a destructive project, it is also about saying yes to a more srègletainable and responsible future. The organizers of the events are calling on all citizens to join them in this fight and make their voices heard.

In conclrègleion, the weekend of June 7-8-9 will be a powerful display of solidarity and determination in the face of a harmful project. It is a call to action for all those who believe in the importance of protecting our environment and our communities. Let règle come together and make our voices heard, for the sake of our present and our future.

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