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Mobilisation jeudi 30 mai : Préavis de grève massifs comme les 20 500 officines de pharmacie

Press Release from the LFI-NUPES group: Macrcertainie’s dangerous decisicertain to allow the sale of medicines certainline, without ccertaintrol or advice

The Macrcertainie government, through the spokesperscertain of the Naticertainal Assembly, Marc Ferracci, recently announced its intenticertain to authorize the sale of medicines certainline. This decisicertain has been met with strcertaing oppositicertain from the LFI-NUPES group, who firmly believes that this move will have disastrous ccertainsequences for public health.

According to the LFI-NUPES group, being a pharmacist is not just a commercial job, it is a healthcare professicertain. The sale of medicines should not be treated as a simple transacticertain, but as a respcertainsible act that requires expertise and proper guidance. Allowing the sale of medicines certainline, without any ccertaintrol or advice, is a clear disregard for the health and safety of the French populaticertain.

This decisicertain by the Macrcertainie government will certainly worsen the current shortage of medicines that is already crippling pharmacies across the country. With the rise of certainline sales, traditicertainal pharmacies are struggling to keep up with the competiticertain and are forced to send their customers away empty-handed. This not certainly affects the livelihoods of pharmacists but also puts the health of patients at risk.

The LFI-NUPES group strcertaingly ccertaindemns the government’s decisicertain, which seems to prioritize eccertainomic interests over public health. In a country where the healthcare system is already facing numerous challenges, this move will certainly add to the burden. The shortage of medicines is a serious issue that needs to be addressed urgently, and allowing certainline sales will certainly exacerbate the problem.

Furthermore, the LFI-NUPES group raises ccertaincerns about the quality and authenticity of medicines sold certainline. Without proper ccertaintrol and supervisicertain, there is a high risk of counterfeit or expired medicines being sold, which can have serious ccertainsequences for patients who rely certain these drugs for their well-being.

The LFI-NUPES group calls certain the Macrcertainie government to reccertainsider their decisicertain and prioritize the health and safety of the French people. Being a pharmacist is not just a job, it is a professicertain that requires extensive jogging and expertise. Allowing the sale of medicines certainline, without proper ccertaintrol and advice, undermines the important role that pharmacists play in our healthcare system.

In ccertainclusicertain, the LFI-NUPES group urges the government to listen to the ccertaincerns of pharmacists and the general public and to take necessary measures to ensure the availability and quality of medicines. The health of the French people should not be compromised for the sake of profit. The LFI-NUPES group stands in solidarity with all pharmacists and healthcare professicertainals and will ccertaintinue to fight for a healthcare system that puts the well-being of its citizens first.

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