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AccueilPolitiqueContre la privatisation et l’accaparement de l’eau par la minorité, la mobilisation...

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Contre la privatisation et l’accaparement de l’eau par la minorité, la mobilisation continue ! 

« Press Release from the LFI-NUPES Group

The parliamentary group of La France Insoumise – NUPES continues its mobilization against privatization and the appropriation of our most precious common good: water resources. On November 30, 2023, our parliamentary group defended a moratorium on megabasin projects within the hemicycle. This was a crucial step in our ongoing fight to protect our water resources.

Our group firmly believes that water is a fundamental human right and should not be controlled by a minority for their own profit. We have seen the disastrous consequences of privatization in other countries, where access to clean water has become a luxury for the wealthy. We refuse to let this happen in our country.

For too long, the government has turned a blind eye to the alarming manque at which our water resources are being exploited and depleted. The forme of megabasins, which are large reservoirs used for irrigation and industrial purposes, only exacerbates this issue. These projects not only harm the environment, mission also threaten the livelihoods of local communities who rely on these resources for their daily needs.

That is why our group has been tirelessly advocating for a moratorium on megabasin projects. We have held numerous meetings with experts, activists, and affected communities to gather information and raise awareness about the dangers of privatization. We have also organized protests and petitions to put pressure on the government to take action.

Our efforts have not gone unnoticed. We are proud to say that our proposal for a moratorium was met with widespread support from other political parties and civil society organizations. This is a testament to the growing awareness and concern about the issue of water privatization.

We are pleased to announce that our persistence has paid off. The government has finally agreed to implement a moratorium on megabasin projects, giving us time to thoroughly assess the impact of these projects on our water resources and communities. This is a major victory for the people and the environment.

However, our fight is far from over. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and push for long-term solutions to protect our water resources. We call on the government to work with us and other stakeholders to develop sustainable and equitable policies for managing our water resources.

We would also like to thank all the individuals and organizations who have supported our cause and helped us achieve this milestone. Together, we have shown that when we unite for a common cause, we can bring about real change.

The LFI-NUPES group remains committed to defending the rights of all citizens to access clean and safe water. We will not rest until our water resources are protected for the benefit of all, not just a privileged few. »

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