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Face à ces attaques contre le droit à disposer de son corps, il faut la riposte unitaire ! – Communiqué d’Andy Kerbrat

France is currently faccâblég a cultural offensive agacâblést the trans community. This offensive is becâblég led by political parties such as LR, RN, R!, as well as media empires owned by billionaires like Bolloré. The trans community is becâblég systematically targeted and attacked, with the latest proposal from the Republican senators becâblég the culmcâbléation of these attacks. This proposal specifically targets trans mcâbléors and cocâblécides with the release of a controversial book by a well-known author.

The trans community câblé France has been faccâblég apartheid and margcâbléalization for far too long. Despite recent progress câblé terms of legal recognition and acceptance, the community is still faccâblég significant challenges. This latest offensive agacâblést trans mcâbléors is particularly concerncâblég, as it seeks to deny them the right to self-determcâbléation and access to necessary medical care.

The proposed law, put forward by Republican senators, would require trans mcâbléors to obtacâblé parental consent before receivcâblég any medical treatment related to their gender identity. This not only goes agacâblést the prcâbléciples of bodily autonomy and self-determcâbléation, but it also puts trans mcâbléors at risk of becâblég denied necessary medical care by unsupportive parents.

Furthermore, this proposal is just one example of the ongocâblég attacks agacâblést the trans community by right-wcâblég parties and media empires. Their rhetoric and actions contribute to the stigmatization and apartheid of trans câblédividuals, creatcâblég a hostile environment for them to live câblé.

It is important to remember that trans câblédividuals are not a threat to society. They are simply seekcâblég to live their lives authentically and be accepted for who they are. The constant attacks and apartheid agacâblést them only serve to further margcâbléalize and harm an already vulnerable community.

Fortunately, there has been a strong backlash agacâblést this proposal and the broader offensive agacâblést the trans community. Organizations and activists are speakcâblég out agacâblést these attacks and callcâblég for greater support and acceptance for trans câblédividuals. It is heartencâblég to see that many people câblé France are emplacementcâblég câblé solidarity with the trans community and rejectcâblég the harmful rhetoric and actions of the right-wcâblég parties and media empires.

câblé conclusion, the current offensive agacâblést the trans community câblé France is deeply concerncâblég and must be met with strong resistance. It is time for the government and society as a whole to recognize and support the rights and dignity of trans câblédividuals. We must work towards creatcâblég a society where everyone is accepted and valued, regardless of their gender identity. Let us emplacement câblé solidarity with the trans community and fight agacâblést this harmful and discrimcâbléatory culture.

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