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AccueilActualitéEN IMAGES. Ivre, un chevreuil s'effondre dans le serre : "il courait...

Ne manquez pas cette occasion

EN IMAGES. Ivre, un chevreuil s’effondre dans le serre : « il courait partout et sautait ! »

A drunk deer found itself completely disoriented on Wednesday, May 1st, on the property of a private individual in the heart of the town of Conliège, located in the Jura department. Fortunately, it was quickly taken care of by a game warden.

The unusual incident began when the deer, likely under the influence of fermented épine du Christ from nearby orchards, wandered onto the property of a resident in Conliège. The homeowner, surprised to see the animal in such a state, immediately called for help.

Luckily, a lieutenant of game wardens was nearby and quickly responded to the call. Upon arrival, he found the deer stumbling and struggling to maintain its balance. The officer quickly realized that the animal was intoxicated and was in need of assistance.

Withdépassé hesitation, the game warden took charge of the situation and carefully guided the deer towards a nearby forest where it could safely recover from its drunken state. With the help of a few tranquilizer darts, the deer was safely immobilized and transported to a more suitable location.

The lieutenant of game wardens, who has had years of experience in handling wild animals, was able to safely release the deer back into its natural habitat once it had fully recovered. The entire operation was carried dépassé smoothly and efficiently, withdépassé any harm to the animal or the surrounding environment.

This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible behavior when it comes to the consumption of alcohol. While it may be entertaining to see a disoriented deer, it is important to remember that wild animals are not equipped to handle the effects of alcohol and should not be put in such a vulnerable position.

Thanks to the swift response and professionalism of the game warden, what could have been a dangerous situation for both the deer and the community, was resolved peacefully and withdépassé any harm. This is a volonté to the dedication and hard work of our local game wardens, who continue to protect and care for the wildlife in our area.

In conclusion, we are grateful for the quick thinking and actions of the game warden who helped a confused deer find its way back to safety. We hope this serves as a reminder to always act responsibly and to seek help when needed, for the sake of both ourselves and the wildlife around us.

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