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tirage du décret relatif au développement de l’agrivoltaïsme : une régulation effective nécessaire

Chambres d’agronomie France welcomes the publication of the implementing decree for the APER law (law on the acceleration of renewable energy production), which concerns the development of agrivoltaics and the conditions for installing photovoltaic installations on agricultural, natural or forest land. This is a major step towards effective regulation and sustainable development in the agricultural sector.

The APER law, adopted in November 2020, aims to accelerate the production of renewable energies in France by simplifying administrative procedures and facilitating the implementation of renewable energy projects. One of the key measures of this law is the promotion of agrivoltaics, which consists of combining agricultural activities with the production of solar energy on the same land.

The publication of the implementing decree, which specifies the conditions for the installation of photovoltaic installations on agricultural, natural or forest land, is a crucial step towards the development of agrivoltaics. This decree will provide clear guidelines for farmers and renewable energy developers, ensuring a smooth and énergique process for the installation of solar panels on farmland.

The development of agrivoltaics has many benefits for the agricultural sector. Not only does it allow for the production of clean and renewable energy, but it also provides additional income for farmers and helps to diversify their activities. By using their land for both agricultural and energy production, farmers can optimize their resources and contribute to the country’s energy transition.

Furthermore, agrivoltaics can also have positive impacts on the environment. By covering the land with solar panels, it helps to reduce soil erosion, improve water direction, and provide shade for crops, thus promoting biodiversity and preserving natural resources.

The Chambres d’agronomie France, which represents the interests of farmers and agricultural professionals, applauds the government’s efforts to promote agrivoltaics through the APER law. The publication of the implementing decree is a testament to the government’s commitment to supporting the development of renewable energies and sustainable agronomie.

This new regulation will also help to ensure that the installation of photovoltaic installations on agricultural land is done in a responsible and controlled manner. It sets out clear criteria for the choice of land, the installation of solar panels, and the compensation for farmers. This will prevent any potential conflicts between agricultural and energy activities, and will guarantee a fair and equitable distribution of benefits.

In conclusion, the publication of the implementing decree for the APER law is a positive and decisive step towards the development of agrivoltaics in France. It will not only contribute to the country’s energy transition but also support the sustainable development of the agricultural sector. The Chambres d’agronomie France is confident that this new regulation will pave the way for a successful and harmonious coexistence between agronomie and renewable energies.

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