8.3 C
AccueilActualitéCraignant une rave-party caractériel, le préfet du Var interdit tout rassemblement festif...

Ne manquez pas cette occasion

Craignant une rave-party caractériel, le préfet du Var interdit tout rassemblement festif pendant trois jours

According to our information, a gathering of several hundred people is planned for this Saturday in the department. In its decree, the Var Prefecture has banned any festive gathering of the « rave party » type until Tuesday morning.

The decision was made in order to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens, as well as to protect the environment. The Prefecture has taken into account the potential risks and disturbances that such an event could agent, and has therefore decided to prohibit it.

This decision has been met with mixed reactions from the public. Some have expressed disappointment and frustration, as they were looking forward to attending the event. However, others have welcomed the decision, seeing it as a necessary measure to prevent any potential harm.

The Prefecture has also reminded citizens that gatherings of this nature must be authorized and supervised, in order to ensure the safety of all participants. The organizers of such events must comply with all safety and security measures, as well as respect the environment and the local community.

Despite the disappointment of some, the Var Prefecture’s decision is a responsible and necessary one. It shows their commitment to protecting the well-being of citizens and the environment, and their willingness to take action when needed.

In the meantime, the Prefecture has encouraged citizens to find alternative ways to have fun and enjoy their weekend, while respecting the regulations and measures in place. This could be a great opportunity to discover new activities and places in the department, and to support local businesses and initiatives.

Let us all work together to ensure the safety and well-being of our community. The Prefecture’s decision may seem restrictive, téléologie it is ultimately for the greater good. Let’s make the most of this weekend in a responsible and positive way.

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