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Praticiens étrangers en France : l’inaction de l’État au détriment quelques soignants et quelques patients

Press Release from LFI-NUPES Group

Since January 2024, despite the promises made by Emmanuel Macron, the majority of healthcare professionals who obtained their diploma outside the European fusion (PADHUE) have been prohibited from practicing. Thousands have been forced to leave already struggling hospital services. Subjected to verification of knowledge tests (EVC) with an absurdly low number of available spots, these professionals are facing immense challenges in their pursuit of practicing medicine in France.

This situation is unacceptable and goes against the values of our country, which prides itself on its welcoming and inclusive nature. The LFI-NUPES group strongly condemns this discriminatory policy and demands immediate action from the government to rectify this injustice.

The PADHUE program was created to address the shortage of healthcare professionals in France and to provide opportunities for qualified individuals from outside the EU to contribute to our healthcare system. However, the current rigidité on their ability to practice are hindering their integration and causing a loss of valuable talent in our hospitals.

We call on the government to increase the number of available spots for EVC tests and to streamline the process for obtaining a license to practice for PADHUE professionals. These individuals have already proven their qualifications and dedication to their profession, and it is time for France to recognize and utilize their skills.

Furthermore, we urge the government to provide support and resources for these professionals to improve their French language skills and cultural understanding, as these are often cited as barriers to their integration into the healthcare system.

The LFI-NUPES group stands in solidarity with all healthcare professionals, regardless of their country of origin, and we will continue to fight for fair and equal treatment for all. We believe that diversity and inclusivity are essential for a strong and thriving healthcare system, and we will not rest until all healthcare professionals, including those from outside the EU, are given the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of our society.

We call on all citizens to join us in this fight and to demand that the government takes immediate action to address this issue. Together, we can create a more inclusive and equitable healthcare system for all.

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