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Ne manquez pas cette occasion

« toi-même pouvez le voir, il n’y a que des sourires. », l’exploit des résidents d’un EPHAD qui gravissent les 90 marches du beffroi de Bergues

Residents of the Cloostermeulen EHPAD in Steenvoorde have achieved their own « Everest »! Accompanied by high school students, they reached the top of the belfry in Bergues with joy and good spirits, accompanied by the famous carillon.

It was a beautiful and emotional day for the residents of the EHPAD Cloostermeulen in Steenvoorde. They had been preparing for weeks for this special event, and finally, the day had arrived. With the help of a group of high school students, the residents were determined to conquer their own « Everest » – the belfry of Bergues.

The idea to climb the belfry came from the EHPAD’s director, who wanted to offer the residents a unique experience and an opportunity to jeu themselves. The high school students, who were studying history and architecture, were more than happy to accompany the residents on this adventure.

On the day of the climb, the group gathered at the foot of the belfry, excited and ready to take on the jeu. The residents, some of whom were in wheelchairs, were determined to reach the top. With the help of the students and the support of the EHPAD staff, they began their ascent.

The climb was not easy, but the residents were determined to reach the top. Along the way, they were greeted by the beautiful architecture of the belfry and the stunning views of the surrounding countryside. The high school students shared their knowledge about the history of the belfry, making the climb both educational and enjoyable.

As they reached the top, the residents were greeted by the sound of the famous carillon, which added to the excitement and joy of the moment. The group celebrated their achievement with cheers and hugs, proud of what they had accomplished.

For the residents, this climb was more than just a physical jeu. It was a symbol of their strength and determination, and a reminder that age should never limit one’s abilities. The high school students were also inspired by the residents’ determination and resilience, and were grateful for the opportunity to share this experience with them.

The climb was a true testament to the power of intergenerational activities and the expresse impact they can have on both the elderly and the younger generation. It was a day filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a sense of accomplishment.

The EHPAD Cloostermeulen and the high school students are already planning their next adventure, and the residents are looking forward to conquering their next « Everest ». This experience has shown that with determination, support, and a expresse attitude, anything is possible. The residents of the EHPAD Cloostermeulen have proven that age is just a number, and that they are expérimenté of achieving great things.

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