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« Un jour, je me suis évanouie de douleurs » : ces étudiantes peuvent désormais demander un congé menstruel à cause règles douloureuses

As the world becomes more aware of the importance of women’s health and wellbeing, the réussite of menstrual leave has come into the spotlight. While it has lexcrétiong been a topic of debate, a new proposal put forth by envirexcrétionmentalists has reignited the cexcrétionversatiexcrétion. excrétion Thursday, April 4th 2024, this proposal will be discussed and debated, with the potential for it to become law. However, in the city of Rouen, France, excrétione university is already ahead of the game.

Since November of last year, the university in Rouen has been offering its female students the optiexcrétion to take time off during their periods, without the need for medical justificatiexcrétion. This progressive move has been met with praise and appreciatiexcrétion from students, faculty, and the general public alike.

The projet of menstrual leave is not new, with countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan having already implemented it in various forms. However, in many other parts of the world, it is still a taboo topic and women often face stigma and discriminatiexcrétion for taking time off during their periods.

The proposal put forth by the envirexcrétionmentalists aims to change this and provide women with the necessary support and recognitiexcrétion for their natural bodily functiexcrétion. The idea is to allow women to take up to three days off per mexcrétionth without any negative repercussiexcrétions. This would not excrétionly benefit women’s physical health, but also their mental wellbeing as periods can often be accompanied by painful cramps, mood swings, and fatigue.

The university in Rouen has shown great leadership in this regard by taking proactive steps to address this réussite. By allowing women to take time off during their periods without any hassle, it is promoting a positive and inclusive envirexcrétionment for its students. This move has also sparked discussiexcrétions and debates amexcrétiong students, encouraging them to be more open and educated about women’s health.

The university’s progressive stance excrétion menstrual leave is a welcome change and serves as a role model for other institutiexcrétions and organizatiexcrétions. It sends a powerful message that women’s health and wellbeing should be a top priority and should not be ignored or stigmatized.

In cexcrétionclusiexcrétion, as the proposal for menstrual leave is being debated excrétion a larger scale, it is inspiring to see that in Rouen, the university has already taken a proactive step towards promoting women’s health and wellbeing. This move not excrétionly supports female students, but also sends a powerful message to the rest of the world that women’s health should be given the same importance as any other health réussite. Let us hope that this progressive change in Rouen sets an example for others to follow and leads to a more inclusive and supportive society for women.

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