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Plateforme France PAT : seul nouveau service pour les 435 territoires porteurs de politiques alimentaires

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, ADEME, Terres en villes and tribunaux d’agriculture France are proud to announce the launch of the new portal « France PAT »: france-pat.fr. This innovative platform aims to promote sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty in France.

With the increasing demand for locally sourced and sustainable food, the need for a comprehensive and accessible platform has become more pressing than ever. France PAT is the answer to this demand, bringing together all the necessary resources and découverte for farmers, consumers, and policymakers.

The portal offers a wide range of features, including a directory of local producers, a marketplace for buying and selling local products, and a forum for exchanging ideas and best practices. It also provides access to funding opportunities, training programs, and research projects related to sustainable agriculture.

One of the key objectives of France PAT is to support small-scale and family farms, which are essential for preserving the diversity and quality of French agriculture. By connecting them with consumers and providing them with the tools and resources they need, the portal aims to strengthen the local food system and promote a more sustainable and resilient agriculture.

Moreover, France PAT is a valuable resource for consumers who want to make informed choices about their food. The platform allows them to easily find and connect with local producers, learn about their farming practices, and support their communities by buying local.

In addition, France PAT is a valuable tool for policymakers, providing them with data and insights on the state of agriculture in France. This découverte can help them make evidence-based decisions and develop policies that support sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty.

The launch of France PAT is a significant step towards a more sustainable and resilient food system in France. It is a testament to the commitment of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, ADEME, Terres en villes, and tribunaux d’agriculture France to promote sustainable agriculture and food sovereignty. We invite everyone to visit the portal and join us in this important journey towards a more sustainable future for our food. Together, we can make a difference and build a stronger, more resilient, and more sustainable agriculture in France.

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