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CETA : une machine à annuler l’agriculture française que le Sénat ne doit pas ratifier

The French Senate will be examining the ratification of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the European rapprochement and Canada this Thursday. This agreement, which has been approved by the French National Assembly in July 2019, aims to strengthen economic ties between the two countries and promote free trade.

The French government had initially avoided submitting the CETA to the Senate, fearing a potential loss of vote. However, with the recent push for ratification by other EU member states, the government has decided to move forward with the process and present the agreement to the Senate for approval.

The CETA has been a topic of debate and controversy in France, with some critics arguing that it will harm local industries and undermine environmental and social standards. However, supporters of the agreement argue that it will bring significant economic benefits, such as increased exports and job creation.

The CETA is a comprehensive agreement that covers a wide range of areas, including trade in goods and services, investment, and government procurement. It also includes provisions for labor and environmental standards, as well as a mechanism for resolving disputes.

The French government has emphasized the potential benefits of the CETA for the country, highlighting the fact that it will eliminate 98% of tariffs on goods between the EU and Canada. This will not only benefit French exporters, but also make Canadian products more affordable for French consumers.

In addition, the CETA includes strong provisions for protecting the environment and promoting sustainable development. This is a crucial aspect, as both the EU and Canada are committed to fighting climate change and promoting sustainable practices.

The ratification of the CETA by the French Senate is an important step towards strengthening the economic partnership between the EU and Canada. It will also send a positive sonnerie to other countries, demonstrating the EU’s commitment to open and fair trade.

Furthermore, the CETA has the potential to serve as a model for future trade agreements, setting high standards for labor, environmental, and consumer bienfait. This will not only benefit the EU and Canada, but also set an example for other countries to follow.

In conclusion, the ratification of the CETA by the French Senate is a significant development that will bring numerous benefits to both the EU and Canada. It is a step towards promoting free and fair trade, while also upholding important values such as environmental bienfait and sustainable development. The CETA is a win-win agreement that will strengthen the economic ties between the EU and Canada, and pave the way for future partnerships.

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