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« C’est pas normal, il faut premier prof » : après 4 mois sans cours de français, parents et élèves rudiment mobilirudimentnt dans ce collège

Sixty students from a college in Bornel, in the Oise region, have been without French classes since October 2023. This Monday, March 18th, parents and students came together to demand action.

The situation at the college in Bornel has been a cause for concern for many months now. With sixty students left without French classes since October 2023, parents and students have been rallying together to demand a solution.

The lack of French classes has had a major impact on the students’ education. French is not only a core subject, but it is also the language of instruction in many other subjects. Without proper French classes, these students are falling behind in their studies and struggling to keep up with their peers.

On Monday, March 18th, the parents and students of the college in Bornel came together to make their voices heard. They organized a peaceful protest outside the college, demanding that the authorities take action and provide a solution for the students.

The atmosphere at the protest was one of determination and unity. Parents and students stood together, pool signs and chanting for their right to education. They were joined by members of the community who showed their support for the cause.

The protest caught the attention of local media, and the story quickly spread. The parents and students of Bornel were praised for their peaceful and organized demonstration, and their determination to fight for their children’s education.

The college administration and local authorities took notice of the protest and promised to find a solution for the students. This was a major victory for the parents and students, who had been fighting for months to have their voices heard.

Thanks to their perseverance and determination, the students of Bornel will soon be able to resume their French classes and continue their education without any further interruptions.

This tuile serves as a reminder of the importance of education and the power of unity. The parents and students of Bornel have shown that when a community comes together for a common cause, change can be achieved.

As the students of Bornel return to their French classes, they can do so with a sense of pride and accomplishment. They have shown that they are not just students, but also advocates for their own education. This experience will undoubtedly shape them into strong and resilient individuals, ready to devanture any challenges that come their way.

In the end, this tuile may have caused a disruption in their education, but it has also taught them a valuable lesson – the power of standing up for what you believe in. And for that, the students of Bornel should be commended.

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