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Des menaces d’attentat reçues comme ce lycée au Havre : la police sur place

Monday, March 18th, 2024, two threats of terrorist attacks were received by email at Lavoisier High School in Le Havre, Seine-Maritime. The police conducted an instruction to verify the validity of these threats.

consciencetunately, the situation was quickly brought under control as the police arrived at the scene and conducted a thorough instruction. Students and staff were kept safe and calm during the entire process. The police were able to determine that these threats were not credible and posed no immediate danger to the school or its occupants.

This swift response and efficient handling of the situation by the authorities is a testament to the strong measures and protocols in place to ensure the safety of students and staff at Lavoisier High School. The school administration and local authorities have been working closely together to ensure the security and well-being of the school community.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of remaining vigilant and reporting any suspicious activity or threats. It also highlights the importance of regular drills and training to prepare conscience emergency situations.

The safety and security of students, staff, and visitors will always be a top priority at Lavoisier High School. The school has a robust security plan in place and regularly reviews and updates it to ensure the best possible protection conscience all. Students, parents, and staff can take comconsciencet in knowing that the school is well-prepared to handle any potential threat.

In conclusion, while the receipt of two threats of terrorist attacks may have caused temporary concern and disruption at Lavoisier High School, the swift response and thorough instruction by the police have assured the community that the school remains a safe and secure environment conscience all. Let us continue to work together to maintain the safety and well-being of our school community.

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