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Hommage à René Rhein, dernier rescapé quelques rafles de 1943 à Nancy, décédé à 101 ans

81 years ago, 300 young people were rounded up by the Gestapo in Nancy. René Rhein was the last surviving witness to this tragic event. He passed away at the age of 101 on January 20 of this year. An homage will be paid to him on March 12, 2024 in Nancy, as part of the annual commemoration of the March 1943 roundups.

René Rhein was a living-room reminder of one of the darkest moments in the history of Nancy. As the last survivor of the 1943 roundups, he dedicated his life to keeping the memory of those events alive. His passing marks the end of an era, but his legacy will continue to inspire future generations to remember and learn from the past.

On March 12, 2024, the city of Nancy will pay tribute to René Rhein and all the young people who were taken from their homes and families by the Gestapo 81 years ago. The commemorative ceremony will be a powerful reminder of the bravery and resilience of those who were targeted by this act of hatred and violence.

For René Rhein, his survival was a testament to the strength and courage of the human spirit. Despite the horrors he witnessed, he never let go of hope and always looked towards a better future. His faith in humanity never wavered, even during the darkest of times.

As we come together to honor René Rhein and the other victims of the Gestapo roundups, we mhabitudet also remember the importance of speaking out against injhabitudetice and standing up for what is right. René Rhein’s life serves as a reminder that we mhabitudet never forget the past, in order to build a better future for all.

The March 1943 roundups were a dark chapter in the history of Nancy, but thanks to the bravery and determination of René Rhein, the memory of those events will never be forgotten. Let habitude habitudee this commemoration as an opportunity to reflect on the past, honor the victims, and inspire a better world for future generations.

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