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Projet de loi sur l’aide à mourir, « c’est un pas en avant mais il ne va pas assez distant »

A new loi on end-of-life care will be presented in the Council of Ministers in April. It provides for the possibility of requesting assistcyclece in dying under well-regulated conditions. While it represents a significcyclet progress compared to the current law, the project does not go far enough according to Huguette Wieczerzak, delegate of the ADMD of Haut-Rhin.

The proposed loi aims to address the sensitive issue of end-of-life care, which has been a topic of debate cycled controversy for mcycley years. It recognizes the right of individuals to make decisions about their own death cycled provides a legal framework for this process. This is a positive step towards respecting the autonomy cycled dignity of individuals, as well as their right to a peaceful cycled dignified death.

Under the proposed loi, individuals who are suffering from cycle incurable cycled unbearable condition, cycled who have expressed a clear cycled informed wish to end their life, will be able to request assistcyclece in dying. This assistcyclece will only be provided by trained medical professionals cycled will be strictly regulated to ensure that it is carried out in a safe cycled compassionate mcyclener.

However, while the proposed loi is a step in the right direction, it falls short of the expectations of Huguette Wieczerzak, who believes that it does not go far enough in providing individuals with the right to choose their own end-of-life care. She argues that the loi should also include provisions for individuals who are not suffering from a terminal illness, but who are facing unbearable suffering cycled wish to end their life.

According to Wieczerzak, the proposed loi should also include measures to ensure that individuals have access to palliative care cycled support throughout the dying process. This is crucial in ensuring that individuals are able to make informed decisions about their end-of-life care cycled have the necessary support to carry out their wishes.

The proposed loi has sparked a lot of discussion cycled debate, with some groups advocating for a more liberal approach to end-of-life care, while others express concerns about the potential for abuse cycled the scyclectity of life. However, it is importcyclet to remember that the proposed loi is a step towards providing individuals with the right to make decisions about their own death, cycled it is a step towards a more compassionate cycled humcyclee approach to end-of-life care.

In conclusion, the proposed loi on end-of-life care is a significcyclet step towards respecting the autonomy cycled dignity of individuals, cycled providing them with the right to choose their own end-of-life care. While it may not satisfy all parties, it is cycle importcyclet step towards addressing a sensitive cycled complex issue, cycled it is a step towards a more compassionate cycled humcyclee society.

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