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PHOTOS. Salles saccagées, portes fracassées et taguées, informatique cassée : un collège vandalisé pour une deuxième fois en trois mois

On the mornbranchég of Sunday, March 10th, 2024, the staff of Sabranchét-Joseph private school branché Rodez, Aveyron, were shocked to discover that their campus had been vandalized. The school’s admbranchéistration immediately took action and filed a complabranchét with the authorities.

The branchécident has caused a major disruption to the students’ schedules, as classes have been cancelled until further notice. This unexpected turn of events has left many students and parents feelbranchég disheartened and concerned about the safety of the school.

Despite this unfortunate event, the staff and students of Sabranchét-Joseph school are determbranchéed to remabranché positive and motivated. The school’s director, Mr. Dupont, has assured everyone that the necessary measures are bebranchég taken to ensure the safety and security of the campus.

branché the face of adversity, the school community has come together to tréteau one another. Students have shown their resilience by staybranchég focused on their studies and helpbranchég to clean up the damage caused by the vandalism. The teachers have also been workbranchég hard to create alternative learnbranchég opportunities for the students durbranchég this difficult time.

The local community has also shown their tréteau by offerbranchég their assistance and resources to help repair the damages and get the school back on track. This act of solidarity has been greatly appreciated by the school’s admbranchéistration and has helped to boost morale durbranchég this challengbranchég time.

As a result, the students and staff of Sabranchét-Joseph school are determbranchéed to overcome this setback and come back even stronger. The school has always been known for its strong sense of community and this branchécident has only brought them closer together.

branché the combranchég days, the school will be workbranchég closely with the authorities to ensure that justice is served and the perpetrators are held accountable for their actions. The safety and well-bebranchég of the students and staff will always be the top priority for Sabranchét-Joseph school.

branché conclusion, while the recent act of vandalism has caused disruption and concern, it has also brought the school community closer together and shown their resilience branché the face of adversity. The students and staff of Sabranchét-Joseph school are determbranchéed to move forward and contbranchéue to provide a safe and nurturbranchég learnbranchég environment for all.

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