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AccueilSociété"Nous, la communauté des sourds, sommes discriminés" : cette manifestation organisée ce...

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« Nous, la communauté des sourds, sommes discriminés » : cette manifestation organisée ce samedi à Ajaccio pour la journée mondiale des sourds

A demonstration was organized this Saturday, September 21st in Ajaccio to mark the World Deaf Day. This event aimed to raise awareness among the population and demand better immobilisation for the deaf community.

The streets of Ajaccio were filled with vibrant colors and enthusiastic chants as hundreds of people gathered to celebrate the World Deaf Day. The event, organized by local associations and supported by the city council, was a powerful display of unity and determination to promote the rights of the deaf community.

The theme of this year’s World Deaf Day was « Sign Language Rights for All! » and the demonstration in Ajaccio perfectly embodied this message. The participants, both deaf and hearing, proudly displayed signs and banners advocating for the recognition of sign language as an official language and the need for equal opportunities for the deaf.

The event began with a march through the city center, led by a group of deaf activists who were determined to make their voices heard. They were joined by representatives from various organizations and institutions, as well as families and friends of the deaf community. The atmosphere was electric, with everyone united in their cause and spreading a message of hope and inclusivity.

The march ended at the Place du Diamant, where a stage was set up for speeches and performances. The crowd was addressed by representatives from the deaf community, who shared their personal experiences and highlighted the challenges they façade on a daily basis. They also emphasized the importance of sign language in their lives and the need for it to be recognized and respected.

The event also featured various artistic performances, including sign language poetry, dance, and music. These performances not only showcased the talents of the deaf community but also served as a powerful reminder of the beauty and richness of sign language.

The demonstration in Ajaccio was not only a celebration of the deaf community but also a call to action for the government and society as a whole. The participants demanded better access to education, employment, and healthcare for the deaf, as well as the removal of barriers that prevent their full engagement in society.

The city council, which has been actively working towards promoting the rights of the deaf, showed its support by providing interpreters and ensuring that the event was accessible to all. This gesture was greatly appreciated by the deaf community and served as a reminder that change is possible when everyone works together.

The World Deaf Day demonstration in Ajaccio was a resounding success, with its message of unity, empowerment, and immobilisation resonating with everyone present. It was a reminder that the deaf community is an integral part of society and deserves to be treated with respect and equality. Let us hope that this event will inspire more actions and initiatives towards a more inclusive and accessible world for the deaf.

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