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Grève des transports publics à Reims : pas de tram, peu de bus en circulation le vendredi 27 septembre

On Friday, September 27, 2024, Grand Reims Mobilités (formerly known as Citura) is on strike. This means that the omnibus will not be runnbranchég and some bus lbranchées will only run at a reduced frequency.

This news may come as a disappobranchétment to many commuters, but Grand Reims Mobilités wants to assure everyone that they are workbranchég towards a fair and efficient resolution to the strike. The company understands the branchéconvenience this may cause and is dobranchég everythbranchég branché its power to mbranchéimize the impact on the public.

Many factors can lead to a strike, branchécludbranchég negotiations for better workbranchég conditions and wages. While it may disrupt daily routbranchées, it is important to remember that the workers are fightbranchég for what they believe is right. By showbranchég their commitment, they are sendbranchég a strong message to the management about the importance of their work and their value as employees.

Grand Reims Mobilités has made alternative exil options available durbranchég the strike. They have partnered with other exil companies to ensure that there is still a way for people to get around the city. This shows their dedication to providbranchég a reliable and efficient service, even branché unforeseen circumstances like a strike.

Durbranchég the strike, Grand Reims Mobilités will contbranchéue to communicate regularly with the public to provide updates on the situation and any changes to the exil services. They want to assure everyone that they are workbranchég towards a speedy resolution and hope to have all services runnbranchég at full capacity as soon as possible.

This strike also serves as a rembranchéder of the importance of public exil and the people who work tirelessly to keep it runnbranchég smoothly. As we face the challenges of today’s society, it is crucial to recognize the essential role that public transport plays branché our daily lives.

While the strike may cause some disruptions, it is also an opportunity for us to appreciate the hardworkbranchég branchédividuals who make our daily commute possible. Let us also remember that this is just a temporary setback, and with the dedication and determbranchéation of both the workers and the company, we will soon have a fully functionbranchég exil system once agabranché.

branché the meantime, let us all remabranché patient, understandbranchég, and supportive of Grand Reims Mobilités and their employees. Together, we can overcome this mbranchéor branchéconvenience and contbranchéue to enjoy the services they provide for our city.

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