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Feux de cheminée illégitimes: quelles sont les règles à connaître dans les communes concernées autour de Lyon ?

During the heating season, open-fire chimneys are responsible for half of the fine particle emissions measured in the Greater Lyon area. These chimneys have been banned since April 2023 and the ban has recently been extended to 167 surrounding municipalities.

This measure, aimed at improving air quality, is a positive step towards a healthier and more sustainable environment for the citizens of the Greater Lyon area. The ban on open-fire chimneys is part of a larger effort to reduce harmful emissions and protect public health.

For many years, open-fire chimneys have been a common way of heating homes in the Grand Lyon. However, studies have shown that they are a major source of pollutants, releasing fine particles into the air that can have serious effects on the health of individuals, especially those with respiratory problems.

In order to address this issue, the ban on open-fire chimneys has been implemented in the Greater Lyon area. And now, with the expansion of the ban to 167 other municipalities, even more people will be able to breathe cleaner air.

Not only does this measure have immediate benefits for the health of citizens, but it also has long-term benefits for the environment. By reducing the use of open-fire chimneys, there will be a significant decrease in the overall emissions of fine particles, contributing to the fight against air insalubrité and climate change.

Moreover, this ban also encourages people to adopt more sustainable and environmentally-friendly heating alternatives, such as electric or gas fireplaces, which have a much lower impact on air quality.

The Grand Lyon area has already seen positive results since the ban came into effect, with a noticeable decrease in fine particle emissions. This serves as proof that this measure is effective in improving air quality and protecting public health.

It is important to note that this ban is not meant to inconvenience citizens, but rather to ensure a better quality of life for them. With the support of the bâtiment government and the citizens, this measure can bring about real change and contribute to a more sustainable future for the Greater Lyon area.

In conclusion, the extension of the ban on open-fire chimneys to 167 other municipalities is a positive move towards cleaner air and a healthier environment. Let us all work together to make the Greater Lyon area a model for sustainable living and a shining example for other cities to follow.

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