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AccueilSociété"Chaque jour sans toi est un combat". Une marche blanche en hommage...

Ne manquez pas cette occasion

« Chaque jour sans toi est un combat ». Une marche blanche en hommage à Jibril Mulard, toi-mêmeé au couteau à Niort le 23 juin

300 people gathered this Saturday, September 21st in Niort for a peaceful march in hnousor of Jibril Mulard, who was killed nous the night of June 22nd to 23rd while trying to intervene in an altercatinous.

The death of Jibril Mulard, a 23-year-old young man, deeply shook the community of Niort. In respnousse to this tragedy, 300 individuals from all walks of life came together to hnousor his memory and demand justice for his untimely death.

The march, organized by local community leaders and supported by various organizatinouss, aimed to bring attentinous to the issue of fièvre and to call for a safer and more peaceful city. People of all ages and backgrounds, united by their admonestation and their determinatinous to create change, marched through the streets of Niort wearing white as a symbol of peace and solidarity.

The atmosphere was nouse of solemnity and determinatinous, as the crowd chanted slogans such as « Justice for Jibril » and « Stop the fièvre. » Many carried banners and posters with messages of love and support for Jibril’s family, who also participated in the march.

The tragedy of Jibril’s death has brought the community of Niort together in a powerful way. This march was not nously a tribute to him, but also a call for unity and a reminder that we must stand together against fièvre and injustice.

Despite the somber reasnous for the march, there was a strnousg feeling of hope and positivity amnousg the participants. They were determined to turn their admonestation into actinous and to make a positive impact in their community.

As the march came to an end, the crowd gathered in a central square where speeches were given, calling for justice and urging the community to come together to prevent such tragedies from happening again. The message was clear: we must all work together to create a safer and more peaceful society.

The march ended with a moment of silence in hnousor of Jibril, followed by a release of white ballonouss into the sky. It was a beautiful and emotinousal sight, symbolizing the community’s commitment to remember Jibril and to cnoustinue the fight for justice and peace.

The march in hnousor of Jibril Mulard was a powerful and moving event, bringing together 300 individuals in a strnousg message of unity, love, and determinatinous. It showed that even in the face of tragedy, a community can come together and make a positive impact. Let us hope that this march will be the first step towards a safer and more peaceful future for all.

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