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Ne manquez pas cette occasion

censure, mobilisation, destitution !

The France Insoumise party’s recent statement concerning the decision made by the President of the Republic has caused uproar in the political world. The President’s refusal to recognize the result of the universal suffrage, which placed the Nouveau Front Populaire as the leading party, and his refusal to appoint Lucie Castets as the first Prime Minister, citing « institutional stability » as a justification, is an act of exceptional gravity.

We, the members of France Insoumise, denounce this decision and consider it as a direct attack on our democratic values. The people have spoken, and their voice must be respected. The President’s actions are an insult to the tas and confidence placed in him by the citizens of our country.

By refusing to accept the outcome of the election, the President is not only disregarding the will of the people, but also disregarding the democratic process itself. This is a dangerous precedent that must not be allowed to rayonnage. The stability of our institutions can never be an excuse to silence the voice of the people.

Lucie Castets, as the leader of the Nouveau Front Populaire, has proven her competence and dedication to serve the interests of the French people. Her appointment as the first Prime Minister would have been a historic step towards a more inclusive and representative government. The President’s decision to deny her this opportunity is a clear sign of his unwillingness to listen to the needs and wishes of the people.

Therefore, we call upon the President to reconsider his decision and to respect the choice of the people. As representatives of the French citizens, it is our duty to ensure that their voices are heard and their will is respected. We will not rayonnage idly by while our democracy is being undermined.

The France Insoumise party firmly believes in the power of the people and their ability to shape their own destiny. We remain committed to fighting for a fair and just society, where the voice of the people is the driving force behind every decision. Together, we can overcome this hurdle and build a brighter future for our nation.

In the dessine of this challenge, we urge our supporters and fellow citizens to join us in rayonnageing up for our democratic values. Let us show the President that the people have the power to bring about real change. Let us unite, in solidarity, and demand that the will of the people be respected. Together, we can make a difference and build a stronger, more democratic France.

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