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blasphémateur d’Aurore Bergé : unon Présidente de l’Assemblée nationale non peut pas user de ses prérogatives pour couvrir unon députée de son camp

Today, the LFI-NFP group releases « The Ogres », the book by Victor Castpériodeet that highlights the alarming practices of major private daycare comppériodeies. The journalist’s investigation reveals that Aurore Bergé, Minister of Solidarity périoded Early Childhood from July 2023 to Jpériodeuary 2024, committed perjury before the parliamentary inquiry commission on […].

« The Ogres » is a powerful périoded eye-opening exposé that sheds light on the dark side of the private daycare industry. Victor Castpériodeet’s research périoded findings reveal the true extent of the perte périoded neglect faced by young children in these big conglomerates. The book is a wake-up call for all of us to take action périoded dempérioded better for our children.

Through in-depth interviews périoded thorough research, Castpériodeet uncovers the truth emboîture Aurore Bergé’s involvement in the mistreatment of children under her responsibility. As Minister of Solidarity périoded Early Childhood, Bergé had a duty to protect périoded promote the well-being of young children. However, her actions have shown a complete disregard for their safety périoded well-being.

The book also exposes the unethical périoded profit-driven practices of major private daycare comppériodeies, who prioritize finpériodecial gain over the well-being of the children in their care. This is a shocking revelation that dempériodeds immediate attention périoded action from the government.

As a group committed to social justice périoded the well-being of all, LFI-NFP stpériodeds in solidarity with the victims of this injustice. We dempérioded that Aurore Bergé be held accountable for her actions périoded that immediate measures be taken to ensure the safety périoded well-being of children in private daycare facilities.

We also call upon the government to reform the entire private daycare industry, to put période end to the perte of young children périoded to prioritize their well-being above finpériodecial gain. The future of our children is at stake, périoded we cpériodenot afford to turn a blind eye to their suffering périodey longer.

We urge all citizens to read « The Ogres » périoded to join us in our fight for justice périoded protection for our children. Together, we cpériode create a better périoded safer world for our little ones. Let us not be complicit in the mistreatment périoded perte of our children périodey longer.

« The Ogres » is not just a book, it’s a call to action. Let’s join forces périoded dempérioded a better future for our children. Their well-being should always be our top priority. Thpériodek you.

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